How to be a Liberal

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I used to be a Liberal....

....then I learned to read.


I used to say that when I was a department chairman in an actual college. Tell about getting the crowd steamed up. They actually fired me for being politically incorrect. That proves that the first amendment is dead on campus.

One should read an entire post before responding to it or commenting. Yes, the conservative lists are full of errors and absurdities. So is the liberal list. That was exactly the point that I was making. This is also the second time I have made that explicit.
How to be a Right Wing Conservative:

Become an ??????? ????er bigot like the person who started this thread.
6. You must believe gender roles are artificial, but homosexuality is natural.

Other than this, I don't see anything particularly bigoted. Even this isn't much.

How to be an overly-sensitive liberal idiot:

How to be a Right Wing Conservative:

Become an ??????? ????er bigot like the person who started this thread.

Notice the need to use ad hominem vulgarity, which I assume has been filtered.
Actually I wouldn't consider myself to be a liberal at all, i'd consider myself more or less to be a libertarian.


Other than this, I don't see anything particularly bigoted. Even this isn't much.

"big·ot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Since that list is basically a huge slam against people who's political views differ from his, i'd say it counts as being bigoted.

Also, people such as himself do gun owners no great favor, in the public's eyes it makes us look like we're all right wing, bible thumping, intolerant rednecks.

Next contestant.
Is there anything... the "How to be a Conservative posting that is bigotry??

I do see some signs of the old saw "bigotry is in the eye of the beholder."

Or was that "beauty is in the eye...etc." Maybe bigotry is beautiful. But that depends on the political leanings of your "eye of the beholder."

Drat! This is too heavy for my head.

"big·ot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

One could argue that the so-called liberals are equally and oppositely bigoted. One could argue that YOU are a bigot, since you're intolerant of HIS opinion - not very libertarian.
Humph. If ya live long enough to earn the right to be an old attack-curmudgeon, ya figger they're all terminally nutzoidal.

Libertarianism is great on paper, but it requires more personal responsibility than is possible in today's world. The Libs/Cons mostly don't seem to understand the unintended consequences that will always happen due to human nature with its desire to "work the system" for personal gain. And what we've mostly elected to city councils, legislatures and Congress are statists. By nature they seem mostly to be control freaks.

Not that I happen to have the answer for a perfect world, you understand...

:D, Art
10. You have to believe that war is an acceptable solution to any economic or social problem.

Well, I and a few other minor successful civilizations such as the Romans, Mongols, Spartans, English and Americans see the above to be pretty much true. Rising to the top ain't pretty if you're one of the steps there...

9. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.
How do they figure this one out, yet somehow they believe the availability of guns causes crime?

6. You have to be against abortion but support capital punishment.
The adult chose to commit a crime which all to often results in an innocent party's life being taken. What crime did the child commit?

There's a lot of duplicities on either side of the aisle. I think it boils down to liberal policy is governed by emotion and the want for security while conservative policy is governed by logic and a want for independence. A healthy society must have both. While many may not believe this, I believe the societal change between ideologies is cyclical. The early 1900's saw conservative ideologies in place until the late 50's. We've had rampant liberal ideologies since then, and now we're starting to swing back to conservative. Don't believe me? Watch the elections this fall and I think that overall the conservatives will gain ground in at least the legislative branch. After 40 or 50 years of conservativism not creating the utopian society that both ideologies believe they can provide, we will swing back the other way. Luckily I'll be retired and sailing around the Caribbean on a yacht by then. :neener:
One could argue that the so-called liberals are equally and oppositely bigoted. One could argue that YOU are a bigot, since you're intolerant of HIS opinion - not very libertarian.

Actually, I fully support his right to have his opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

Also, i'm not the one that posted what basically amounted to a list of insults. My condemning of his action doesn't make me intolerant. I support his right to take his very conservative positions, while on the other hand he insults people who's opinion differs from himself.
12. You have to believe the placing a copy of the Ten Commandments inside a courthouse is a good idea, but teaching evolution in our schools is not.

Ummm...THEORY of know those missing link things are ummm...still missing. The Ten Commandments are historical documents that are part of the foundation of much of Western culture.
"...intolerant of those who differ."

I'm not intolerant of the people just their wacky ideas. Become a liberal...throw logic and common sense out the window. :banghead:

Oh benevolent Uncle Kerry please take care of us poor sheeple. What would we do without your wisdom and handouts.
Actually I wouldn't consider myself to be a liberal at all, i'd consider myself more or less to be a libertarian.

Well, I consider myself handsome but that doesn't make it so. :D
A child was seen on the courthouse steps in a small town sitting next to a open top box. On the box was a crude sign that read '8 Democrat puppies, only $5.00 each.' Occasionally people would
stop, look and even buy one to take home.

Three weeks later the same child was seen on the same steps at the same courthouse with the same box, only this time the sign read '4 republican puppies, only $5.00 each.'

A man approaches the boy and asks, "Weren't you out here three weeks ago with those same puppies, calling them Democrat?"

The boy says "Yessir."

"And now you call them republican?"
continues the man.

Again from the boy, "yessir."

"How can that be?", asks the man.

The boy grins and says, "It's simple mister, three weeks ago their eyes weren't opened yet."
I know the feeling.

When I was young, everyone I knew was a Democrat. I didn't know there was anything else. You paid them and they would take care of everything. They were smarter than the average guy and could handle the things that were just too complicated for normal folk. They would make sure that your company couldn't fire you even if your job was no longer generating any benefit. And they would make sure that the guy down the street making more money than you will have to give you some...well, after Uncle Kerry gets his cut.

Then about 8th grade it all started to look more like a cage to keep the sheeple dependent and under control. The Ten Commandments and the Constitution started making more sense and then I decided to think for myself and became a Republican.
Whatever, you can call me a liberal all you want. I'll just in turn call you a right wing, bible thumping, redneck conservative.

Basically my core philosophy on the world boils down to..

If you're not harming me or anyone else, I don't care what you do.

Basically I guess you could say i'm economically conservative, socially liberal (Aside from gun control, which my stance I guess would be considered solidly conservative). So I guess in your conservative eyes, i'm a dirty pinko commie socialist terrorist nazi.

Now if you want to get on the subject of Kerry and Bush, I think they're both worthless jackasses. And on the subject of money, we haven't had a real fiscal conservative President in a long time (Given i'm young, in my lifetime we've never had one).

In my lifetime, we've had... Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. None of them were very good with money, Clinton at least was able to get a government surplus going, now Bush II has squandered it away and pushed us towards record defecit levels.
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