My version of the ultimate Tower Blind.

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Feb 1, 2003
For years I've been somewhat jealous of those Texas tower blinds, look like a lot of fun to hunt from. Decided to try a build one that would serve as a hunting blind and kids playhouse.

Floor plan is 8'X12' with 8' high roof. Located some 30' power line poles which are augured below ground. Tower features a 5' extended deck and metal railings/steps. To keep interior noise to a minimum 3/4" thick rubber livestock mats cover the floor. Interior has a hammock, gun rack, bow hooks, and fold down table. Four walls were prefabricated in the garage, painted, then winched up to the platform with an ATV.

Will post additional pics later....







Very nicely done. I like the tree camo painted on the walls. Good sturdy guard rails and steps. Do you have any pics of the views from the windows that you can share?
No need for satellite dish.....thanks to smart phones.

It's turning into a mid day gathering spot for coffee. A few more pics of the inside.





Here's a couple views looking out from the windows...


Its like a man cave, hunt club/cabin, and blind all put together. I like it. But have to agree.... satellite for watching football would be nice for those all-day hunts :). On that note a fridge wouldnt hurt, either.
Any reason why the porch is just cantilevered and doesn't have direct support? It looks like the place where most of the weight will be while shooting, having coffee,etc.

I like it a lot but the expense would stop me.
I like it a lot but the expense would stop me.

It would stop me too, but I'm not skilled enough to build it myself. I would have to hire it done, which would make it too expensive. I bet if you do all the work yourself, it wouldn't be as bad as you think.
Very cool. I would suggest toe boards for when it gets covered with wet leaves and becomes slick. Maybe some short awnings to reduce the window glare. I would like to have one just as a retirement treehouse.
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Pato....the deck was an after thought. Original intent was to have each pole function as a corner of the cabin. As we got into it the light bulb came on for a deck. Stairs were free :from a demolition construction site. Total cost is a little over 2k.
Thats pretty slick.

My only improvement suggestion would be "dulling out" the windows in your firing lanes. You could use that window wrap material pretty well here, I think.

I've seen deer hop from a scope reflection- the way those windows shimmer, im sure it'd be quite a flash moving one about !

Very jealous !
Roof is rubber.....had enough left from another project.

Longest shot will probably be around 200-300 yards.
Wow that is amazing! I have built several but none that nice.

I finally just broke down and bought a "redneck blind" and then built my own stand and deck for it. It's near perfect......... until I saw yours! I really thought the Redneck Blinds were the ultimate blind....... Hmmm gotta rethink that now!
thanks.for.posting all your elevated blind is awesome. My boys and i have been planning something similar. We have utility poles windows and an oilfield staircase. We had envisioned something just about like yours.

If you were to start over...would you change anything??
how is the height??
Kbbailey....son and I hunted in it last night, 40-to-50 mph winds. Remarkably peaceful inside. We both speculated on what we would have done different....couldn't come up with one thing. Size is perfect for two or more people, deck allows shots all around when weather is nice. Like to have put in a spiral staircase but what we have was free. Picked up an old roll around office chair and a Little Buddy heater, works great.

Hope to post more pictures in the next day or so.
A few more pics....

This was taken yesterday, deer running under the tower and at the base of the stairs, apparently doesn't bother them in the least.







It sure looks comfy...Part of what I like about deer hunting is being all camo and sneaky. But man...if I could hunt from this...

Anyways...very nice stand...I am sure you will enjoy it for many years..
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