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  • Users: Wildkow
  • Content: Threads
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  1. W

    Dillon RT 1200B Trimmer help needed.

    I've called Dillon but they don't or have given me conflicting answers. So I'm turning to the gun community at large. Can someone please supply me with a picture of a properly mounted cutting blade on the Dillon Rapid Trim 1200B? Words or explanations just don't do it as there are so many...
  2. W

    Grrrrrr. . . 357 SIG Headspacing

    Grrrr. . . can someone please, please settle this once and for all! Headspacing the 357 SIG is controlled at the . . . 1) Case mouth 2) Shoulder 3) Extractor as below at 30:00
  3. W

    Question about Wideners Reloading

    Just realized that a prior order from Widener's Reloading for 1,000 .224 69 grain mil-spec contained only 500 69 grain and 500 62 grain some other brand. When I went to the website it shuttled me over to their web hosting company. I hope it's just...
  4. W

    Setup For Lazy Reloader

    I looked through a bunch of posts but didn't find anything addressing this question. I have a Dillon XL-650 is it possible to do every step of reloading, except tumbling, on a XL-650 or a 1050 with either a single toolhead or multi-toolhead? I shoot a Glocks 9mm and soon hopefully a G22/35 in...
  5. W

    Muslims Angry Over U.S. Military 'Jesus' Rifles

    Muslim groups reacted angrily Wednesday after it emerged that the U.S. military is using combat rifle sights inscribed with coded Biblical references.,2933,583508,00.html Dear Trijicon, Please inscribe my sights with . . . Now I lay them in...
  6. W

    Please help identify this rifle.

    Hi guys a friend is trying to sell this to me and I have no idea what it is or it's worth. I'm 99% sure it is a .30-06 if you can help I'd appreciate it very much. The only identifying marks on this are in the last two photographs, sorry. I suppose I could...
  7. W

    Help ID'ing Shotgun Press

    Can some kind soul help me identify this shotgun press? I know it's a CH made in El Monte, CA for 12ga but other than that I don't know anything and my online searching has found nothing. Questions: 1) Model? 2) Is it any good? 3) Instructions for use? 4) Link to online info? 5)...
  8. W

    Military Crimp Removal w/RCBS Military Crimp Remover bit

    OK, finally got my press, XL650, and some components and now some questions. BTW, thanks ahead of time for your time and attention to this matter. First thing is I pickedup some military brass with crimped primer's. So I purchased the RCBS case prepreation power center and the RCBS military...