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  1. F

    Federal court rules against arbitrary suspension of habeas corpus

    "Um, Flatrock, you just said that he deserves a trial to determine whether he's guilty--but he doesn't deserve a civilian trial, because he's guilty." Um, no. I said he deserves a hearing to determine if he is an enemy combatant. Being an enemy combatant isn't a crime. However, enemy...
  2. F

    Federal court rules against arbitrary suspension of habeas corpus

    I agree with the ruling that this scumbag should not be held without a hearing. I however disagree with the relief that the court ordered. The guy deserves a military hearing to determine if he is a enemy combatant, and should not simply be tried in our civilian court system. We are at...
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    Is Posse Comitatus dead?

    It looks to me like the Act held up to the test in NO quite well. When the governors of the states refused to request federal troops, the troops were not sent in. The people I saw claiming the President should have used the insurrection act to send in federal troops were the New York times...
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    FYI...Thirty Mile Long Razor Wire Fence Put Up In Coastal Mississippi

    This isn't being done by the federal government. This is being done by local governments. This is a disaster on a level that they haven't experienced before, and they appear to be making some mistakes along the way. It appears they are trying to keep looters out of people's houses while...
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    Larry Craig and Dianne Feinstein strike deal on S 397

    The gun ban activists are trying to take away our right to keep and bear arms. Comprimising with them means giving up our rights to a certain extent. With the next comprimise we give up a little more. We continue doing that until we've lost significant rights even though each little...
  6. F

    Self-defense or felony?

    Maybe I was raised differently, but when I was a teen, we didn't throw rocks. Throwing water balloons at someone might result in them chasing you down and thumping on you once or twice if they were able, or having their parents call your parents and your parents making it uncomfortable to...
  7. F

    Self-defense or felony?

    Stories have two sides. Cops make arrests, but they aren't the ones that locked her up in juvie detention, or required her to be under house arrest. It sounds like the judge and prosecutor think that a more serious crime was committed. Throwing a rock isn't exactly an equitable level of...
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    FBI says it has files on advocacy groups

    "Is the NRA (or other 2A groups) an "advocacy group" that needs watching?" The group itself? No. I would be surprised if there weren't some people who are among the millions of members of the NRA who are being watched. Greenpeace has done some things to encourage illegal activity which...
  9. F

    Justice served?

    Beren Was he chasing down a criminal to restrain him and turn him over to the authorities? It sounds doubtful, given that his buddy was allegedly putting the smack down on the other kid. It sounds more likely that the guy was chasing the kid down with the intent of doing harm, not to restrain...
  10. F

    Justice served?

    Mike, Don't feel sorry for anyone, except the 17 year old driver. I feel very sorry for the 17 year old driver. 1. Should a 12 y.o. be out after midnight unsupervised? No. Nope. 2. Does a bottle rocket present a threat of death or serious bodily injury to a person in a moving car...
  11. F

    Justice served?

    Beren, Why not just keep driving if the car was undamaged, and call the cops? Or, if one wanted to be proactive in getting the little snots their deserved punishment, circle around, call the cops, and keep an eye on them until the cops get there? If the car was damaged, then it would be...
  12. F

    Justice served?

    Art, "That kid's only thought was "Away!" Flight reflex. Tunnel vision. I doubt he even had the first iota of thought about "street" or "cars" or anything beyond escape. There's no rational way you can fault that very-scared 12-year-old kid." Even if I agree with you on that point, which...
  13. F

    Justice served?

    A car stopped, and passenger Tyrone Sherrod got out, chased the cousin and started beating him, Alexander said. Unless the "beating" was really the use of reasonable force to restrain the kid so that he could be turned over to police, that doesn't sound legally justified. Do I personally...
  14. F

    I Can't Stand My Ohio Senators!

    "The only way you "waste" your vote is by voting for the lesser of two evils." That makes for a nice statement of defiance against the establishment, but it comes up short in the face of the facts. Would we be better off if Fingerhut won instead of Voinovich? No. He's much worse than...
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    Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

    "AFAIR Bush refused to carry out a fully funded Congressional mandate to hire 5000 new Border Patrol agents in the past few months." I don't support Bush's appalling aproach to border patrol, but I have not seen anything resemblinb a fully funded mandate to hire 5000 new Border Patrol agents...
  16. F

    (WA) Man Wants To Sell Guns From His Home

    Thorn, His permit from the city only allows a maximum of two customer visits a day between the hours of 2-5 pm. That's less traffic than the average house with a teenager likely sees. The AFT has rules for how the firearms being sold must be stored, but I think a large, solid gun safe...
  17. F

    Robbery gun looked real

    Since the police determined that the physical evidence matched his account and the officers this should have never gone to the grand jury. Taking it to the grand jury requires him to retain a lawyer and imposes significant legal fees on him. The guy is a pizza deliverer. He shouldn't be...
  18. F

    US Army buys 17,000 rifles from China

    The US Army did not buy these weapons, the Iraqi Army did. They may very well have been purchased with American Tax dollars given to Iraq in aid, but it was their government that purchased the guns not ours. Our army did approve the purchase in some way, but it's likely that they were merely...
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    New FL law requires GPS tracking of sex offenders,what do you guys think?

    So an 18 year old that fools around with a 13 year old gets a mandatory 25 to life? That severe of a MANDATORY sentence for a first offense isn't just. There are likely cases where such a sentence is just, but severe mandatory sentences damage our society by removing reasonable discretion...
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    Banning Lead Ammunition in California

    Maybe the condors are getting lead from eating varmits that land owners kill and leave lying, but I doubt there are many hunters leaving their kills for condors. I also question how much lead a condor will get in their system from swallowing a bullet. I would expect that the lead slug would...