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  1. R

    Are Air Guns Firearms?

    How are they defined? Is an air gun, rifle or pistol, considered a firearm? And, naturally, this brings into question the same thing regarding BB guns. Thoughts?
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    Pro Gun Libertarian?

    In a few weeks, the Libertarian Party will elect their nominee for President and, whoever they nominate, that person is sure to be the most pro-gun candidate on the ballot. So who might it be? One of the better known candidates is Bob Barr, who is probably the best known among the candidates...
  3. R

    CCWhere.Com, New Concealed Carry List

    FYI There's a fairly new concealed carry web list at: It's a map that shows businesses that do and don't allow concealed carry. It was started recently in Kansas, but is designed for the whole country. As soon as it gets more data, it'll be a great place to check...
  4. R

    Vests Are Illegal??

    I've seen a number of articles in the papers lately, dealing with criminal arrests, that suggest that private ownership of a bullet-proof vest is illegal. Is this true in all states? When did this happen? I guess I haven't been paying close enough attention.:confused: Bob
  5. R

    What If? 9/11

    Going back to September 11, 2001. What if one half of all the passengers on those four planes had had a CCW license and was armed? How might that have changed the outcome? Bob
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    Ammo Prices and War

    Maybe I'm slow to get around to this and maybe it's been discussed already. However, it seems, lately, that certain types of ammo are getting hard to find and more expensive. Is this due to the high government demands for ammunition for Iraq and Afghanistan? Bob
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    Best Argument Against Gun Control

    This article says it all.
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    The Draft Is Coming.....About Time

    I keep seeing stories and comments that allude to a return of the draft. If so, it's about time. We won't stop making stupid decisions about war until the sons and daughters of some our leaders are in the line of fire.:fire: Bob
  9. R

    Hillary or Barack?

    Okay. There's another thread similar to this so let's do the poll. Just for one minute, pretend you're a Democrat and you voting in the primaries. And your only choices are Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. How do you vote? Bob
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    NRA and Libertarians

    Many of us, who are NRA members, recently got the latest issue of The Rifleman. In the center, there was the NRA recommendations for the upcoming elections. One fact that was clear is that the NRA will not endorse a Libertarian. I happen to know that in the State of Kansas, and also in...
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    Should Teachers Be Armed?

    So, should teachers and other school personnel have the option of Concealed Carry? Should there be special training or just the standard CCW requirements?
  12. R

    Bush in History Poll

    How will history rate George W. Bush and his Presidency? Bob
  13. R

    Listing Your Toys, Bad Idea?

    I've noticed on this forum, and several others, that people like to list the guns they own, either in their signature or in specific threads. Let's assume the Feds, house burglars, government gun-grabbers and various other undesirable types know about these forums. And some know how to hack...
  14. R

    Deny the Holocaust, Go to Jail

    There is a law in Austria, a democracy, that forbids anyone from denying the Holocaust. And now, a man is going to jail for doing just that. I have no doubt that the Holocaust occurred, however, I object to denying free speech to anyone, no matter how stupid their utterances might be...
  15. R

    Reinstitute the Draft?

    Today, while driving around, I was listening to some recorded speeches by Ronald Reagan before he became President. Some of the things he was talking about made me think that this country will continue to spiral downward as a world power, both economically and militarily, unless we reinstitute...
  16. R

    Virtual Match Nostalgia February (without tally)

    Here's a thought. We've had some great matches, thanks to the work of some very dedicated people. Why not just re-shoot those matches? I won't keep tally, so each of us will have to decide for ourselves who was in what place. After all, these are primarily an excuse to go to the range and...
  17. R

    NRA Member?

    I attended the Kansas City Sports Show last night and the NRA had a booth there. The guy on the other side said new member growth was down. I've got my beefs with some NRA actions but it's the only game in town. And I'm a member. In fact, I enjoy letting that information out to some of my...
  18. R

    Another Movie Gun Question

    Last night, I watched, for the umpteenth time, "Colateral". This is the one where Tom Cruise plays a hit man. Question. What is he shooting? My neophyte guess is either a 9mm Beretta or one of the S & W .45 ACPs. but I'm not that good at this. Anyone have better info? I suspect this is a...
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    Kansas CCW Legal Opinion

    The following is part of the Kansas Bill of Rights. Could someone with a legal mind tell me if item #4 doesn't give Kansans the right to carry concealed without further legal changes? It looks to me that, at this point, we have the same rights as citizens in the State of Vermont. Am I missing...
  20. R

    An Interesting Experience

    For the second time recently, I had the opportunity to drive onto one of our military bases. My brother is retired military so we store the bass boat that he and I own on the base boat storage lot. Fortunately, before I went on the base, both times, I had the good sense to take my usual...