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  1. D

    2007 Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Match (PHOTOS)

    In photo #1, that's a large looking meat tenderizer on the muzzle end. How do the Cavalry Arms lowers hold up to the competitions and long term use? I've got one, but it hasn't been used a whole lot. Thanks for the good photos and articles. Keep them coming.
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    I'm a Retro-Guy

    Retr-Guy and Retro-Sexual, yes. Metro-Sexual, negative and no way!
  3. D

    Photos from April 2007 3Gun match at Clear Creek

    The bottom pic, should the event be called 4Gun, seeing that a flamethrower was used?:D Off Topic: Good .338 article in "Combat Arms"!
  4. D

    Les Baer Moving to Iowa?

    Some good comments after the qconline article. Elmer and Leah seem a bit freaked out about guns. Do they offer any other job growth options besides offering to buy the land? Profiling alert: With the beard thing, does Elmer belong to any pacifict groups?
  5. D

    Winchester .22 ammo RECALL

    Thanks for the notice. Bought a box of the XPERT 22 HP the other day. Saw this topic today. I've got lot "XH". According to Winchester, I'm o.k. Lot # is on the top edge flap, printing upside down. 36 gr, HP, loose packed 500 rds. Haven't shot any yet.
  6. D

    May I board an airplane with my E2D DEFENDER SURFIRE??

    A TSA guy had me disassemble my MiniMag AA flashlight, then he looked inside of the tube. It had a red lens on it. He said "Dat look scary".
  7. D

    .338 Lapua/Zak Smith

    The latest issue of "Combat Arms" from Guns & Ammo has an article about .338 Lapua rifles by Zak Smith. Is this the same Zak here at THR? Good article. Also, good articles by Fortier, especilly the one "Insurgent Sniping".
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    R.I.P. member Derby FALs

    PinnedAndRecessed wrote: Have to sign up at FAL Files. Louisville, KY+KY Derby+FAL rifles= Derby FALs
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    R.I.P. member Derby FALs

    From one of the links: our buddy derby died sunday night at jewish hostipal in louisville. i know i;m sure goin to miss david,he was a dear friend of mine, great fal builder, learned alot from him, hope to see u guys at the funeral thursday, sure the family love to see a show of support...
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    R.I.P. member Derby FALs

    THR, FAL Files and other board(s) member Derby FALs passed away.
  11. D

    Cho, narcississm and a nation of cowards.

    We're humans, not apes. God made us with a free will and a mind to think with. From a previously posted Mark Steyn link at THR: As my distinguished compatriot Kathy Shaidle says: When we say “we...
  12. D

    More Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots?

    I think it's a pretty good article. Especially the last line: We don't need any more gun-control laws. What we need are fewer idiots. "...Common sense should have told them to quit playing Sherlock Holmes and just warn everyone off campus. What was the downside? Losing one day of classes...
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    More Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots?

    More Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots? How the Va Tech Administration Failed Its Campus By Lila Rajiva "Nor do we have to end up on the other side, trying ourselves up with even more regulation on something that is already as heavily regulated as guns...
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    Va Tech.. What is "Ismail Ax"

    This can or will be played up as a loner Jihadist and/or snapped frustrated immigrant want-to-be "Americun". I have not read "The Prairie". I don't know if the killer read it. But, key points from excerpts and reviews of Cooper's book stand out. Key words from the previous 2 "Prairie"...
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    Va Tech.. What is "Ismail Ax" This, the fifth and final volume of the Leather-Stocking Tales, closes the career of Natty Bumppo, variously known in the other novels as Hawk Eye, Deerslayer, Pathfinder, etc. His bravery, firmness of character, and woodland skill make him a...
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    Our worst enemy, ourselves?

    Happy face with bullet hole in forehead, exit hole back of shirt. "Kill 'em all..." WWII SS Divisions World Tour shirts, made to look like band tour shirts. Blah, blah, blah, Keep it neat, simple, intellegent, polite.
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    Our worst enemy, ourselves?

    This thread reminds me of some of the hats, shirts, mugs you see at gun shoots, gun shows and firearms shops with "kill" themes, undocumented qoutes repeated as truth, Nazi images, etc.
  18. D

    more posters (updated)

    Scoot the face over(half of face down vertical centerline of head?), or elongate the width of poster. Put "Has trainining..." text to right of head. Put "College student..." to right or leave as is. Maybe put all text verticaly to right of head. Poster idea: Something about not be lined...
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    Mindset, More than Guns

    Well said. +1. Sometimes all you have is you. Sometimes all you got is your faith, and trust in the Lord. Life isn't always easy.
  20. D

    My review of Knob Creek

    Seemed like the firing line shooters numbers were down. Don't know if this was due to the ammo situation or a combination of ammo, weather, economy in general, war situation. Been to a number of the shoots over the years, some in as wet weather. This one was on the down side IMO.