More Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots?

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Dec 24, 2002
More Gun Laws or Fewer Idiots?
How the Va Tech Administration Failed Its Campus
By Lila Rajiva

"Nor do we have to end up on the other side, trying ourselves up with even more regulation on something that is already as heavily regulated as guns are. If the campus faculty and staff had been doing their jobs, Cho would have in psychiatric care of some kind. And if the campus police had been doing theirs, the campus would been closed after the first shooting, without any further delay. This has nothing to do with gun control. It has to do with ignorance about mental illness and about university officials and security falling down on the job."
I see the author knows nothing about mental illness and the near impossibility of forcing someone into treatment.

Probably never been to Tech and couldn't find Student Health with a map. Here's a map.


Oops, pretty big and all 200 buildings aren't marked. Well, she'll figure it out and maybe use it to plan the lock-down she'll likely be addressing soon in her infinite wisdom. :scrutiny:

There's a column on students with mental health problems in today's Washington Post. It was written by the President of Georgetown University. They ran into the same problems trying to get a student help - or booted - that Tech did.

There are no clear answers.

dadman; sorry, but it's not possible to ban idiocy or ignorance.

I'll have to go along with ole Sam Clemens; "I shall never be persuaded that the average IQ is 100."

Nor shall I ever be persuaded that there is not a surfeit of idiots.

I think it's a pretty good article. Especially the last line:
We don't need any more gun-control laws. What we need are fewer idiots.

"...Common sense should have told them to quit playing Sherlock Holmes and just warn everyone off campus. What was the downside? Losing one day of classes? Look at what
Now, which is it? Did the university think the killer died or that he fled? Why two contradictory explanations?
Did they first think one thing and then change their minds? Or haven't they got their excuses straight in time for public consumption?"
John thanks for the map. My step-son and I were down there about 5 weeks ago with a cat that had surgery. I knew the campus was huge just from what I was able to see but my God huge doesn't do it.
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