“A Wake-Up Letter To The NRA Board”

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If you want to remain ignorant to reality then you should accept being "dogpiled" on for that.

You "guess" that WLP is corrupt? What keeps you from making a firmer statement than that? Is that how you stomach sending the NRA a check, by hoping that Wayne isn't using the money you give him for new suits, the limousine, and penthouse apartments for his college age girlfriends?
You made my point exactly. I literally explained why I still support the NRA, but its such a trigger point now, that it’s just silly.

I also support other 2A organizations.

Seriously. Who cares?
The fact that the corruption has been clearly identified and made public and yet nothing has been done to make WLP step down or otherwise make things right, will keep me from renewing when my current five-year hitch ends. I'll support a different 2A group. It really saddens me...
This thread inspired me to go increase my GOA membership from annual to a lifetime. You guys made this an expensive morning, but I know it's money that will go to fighting the good fight instead of luxury wardrobes.

I too have stopped receiving donation calls from the NRA after telling them they won't get another cent until WLP is gone. I don't know if I will cancel my Patron life membership with them, but I'll certainly never give them more.
Personally, if the antis are so rabidly against it, I’ll keep supporting it just because it’s like a poke in their eye. Is WLP corrupt? I guess. I don’t follow the inner workings enough to really care. I’ve wasted way more money on corrupt mandatory union dues that support anti 2A causes, than I have on the NRA. But, at least the NRA is a pro 2A organization in a sea of anti gun wanna be oppressors. So, if anything, just to spite the antis, I’ll support it.

Same here. I give them nowhere near as much as I used to, but as long as the anti mob hates them I’ll support them some, if nothing else they’re making a good punching bag while other groups are growing and getting things done.
I waste more money on less important things and I give to many other pro gun associations. That last thing I want to do is stand with Bloomberg. I will stand with every gun organization he stands against, and that includes the NRA. Wayne could literally say he’s was burning my money in his fireplace and it wouldn’t matter.

FWIW: I believe in diversity

NRA lifer
GOA lifer
2AF lifer
State organization lifer
FPC member
ASA member
Does anyone remember the statement that NRA BOD member Joaquin Jackson made in reference to "assault weapons" during an interview?

The BOD defended Jackson and he was elected to the BOD until he passed away.

NRA board member Joaquin Jackson, the enemy with in - YouTube
Wow, now THAT’s something I’d consider important, not suits and jet use. That’s kinda like what Ruger did back in the day. That Fudd nonsense, I hope, isn’t there anymore, with the likes of Colion Noir, etc, nowadays.

Was that interview back in the 90’s?

I’d be more upset giving money to a pro 2A organization headed by someone like Jackson. That’s a true danger.

At least WLP wasn’t for an AWB.
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