1,000,000 round per minute gun

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Waaaaiiit a minute. This was on future weapons. You should all be


*In the most intimidating voice "on the battlefield."*
Sorry guys, I didn't know I was beatin' a dead horse here. Someone sent me the youtube link and I thought I'd share.
Well, figure a 20x50 matrix drilled in a block of alloy... Smoothbore will work, make it 6" deep... You've got 1000 "single shot" rounds there... and I'm guessing that with the right alloy, it wouldn't be all that heavy.
While we're on the topic, while looking at metalstorm and the whole electronic ignition thing, what seemed to be the biggest problem to me was reloading; you just can't pop in a new magazine, it looked like to do it quickly you'd have to replace the entire barrel, since the rounds are stacked up inside it already. The other thing that bothered me was that the velocities would be faster on the later rounds than the earlier ones because you have more barrel to build up pressure, so the shots wouldn't be consistent. Idk...for anti-missile/claymore technology, I could see it having a future, but in the realm of small arms (or large ones for that matter), you're going to want to some type of ballistic consistency from the firearm, as well as easy, fast, cheap reloading...I don't see it having much of a future in small arms because of these limitations...
Consider this - a football field is what, 300' x 120'? You need around 3,600 rounds for "one round per foot."

I suspect that the minigun and chopper folks may be shading that ol' "rabbit on a football field" thing a little... Because once the minigun starts chewing up one end, rabbit's gonna be leaving the area... And if they take 30 seconds to make the whole length, gee, that's kinda long to be loitering in an area where other rabbits might be shooting back.

Instead, mount six .22LR 1,000 round matrices under the helicopter, and then it goes over the football field at the proper height for the proper spread, hit the button...
You've got 1000 "single shot" rounds there... and I'm guessing that with the right alloy, it wouldn't be all that heavy.
Definitely an interesting idea... but who's the poor sucker that gets to load those 1000 .22s? :p
Ah metal storm, the solution to the rate of fire problem that does not exist.
I looked at their site. Their 3 shot grenade launcher looks a lot more practical; for combat anyway. It looks similar to the M203.
Ha ha ha!!!

If you want a REAL laugh, go to their website and check out the 2007 investor report! In the past 5 years, the "company" has lost $47,035,546 and the share price has dropped from $0.47 per share to $0.09... Now what does that tell you?

If mentioning youtube and Future Weapons wasn't enough to get this thread locked, maybe this will do the trick! :p
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If you want a REAL laugh, go to their website and check out the 2007 investor report! In the past 5 years, the "company" has lost $47,035,546 and the share price has dropped from $0.47 per share to $0.09... Now what does that tell you?

Thus YouTube. Now if the company can get enough mall ninjas to invest .09 things may start looking up. YouTube is probably the best free advertising in the world. Look at the Yeti in the monkey suit that went for 50,000.00 last month. :D
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