10/22 Take down issue

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Oct 23, 2011
Columbia, SC
I bought a Ruger 10/22 International a few days ago. Its the model with the mannlicher stock. I'm having a lot of trouble taking the sucker apart to clean it. Since its a full length stock there's a metal cradle at the end holding the barrel to the stock. There is a screw on the bottom of the cradle that holds it to the frame. However after removing the screw I can't figure out how to get the cradle off. I figured that I would ask y`all before I scratch up the stock trying.

Thanks in advance.
Grats on a nice gun. I own many 10/22's but none w/ a Mannlicher stock; so I fear I can't help you there. The folks at Rimfirecentral.com are awesome, give them a try. One thing I would like to add: Don't over clean your 10/22. Repeated disassembly and heavy cleaning is probably harder on that gun than ignoring it. The receiver will eventually foul up, making it hard to cycle - that's when you remove the stock, the trigger pack and bolt, and scrub the bejabbers out of the inside of the receiver. Shoot some gunscrubber or such through the trigger pack. The most I do on my .22 bores nowadays is run an oily boresnake (brushes removed) down it before putting it away.
I have one just like yours. I puzzled over it for a while, then came up with this:

I found a thick piece of soft scrap leather and an adjustable crescent wrench. After removing the screw, i wrapped the leather around the cap and adjusted the crescent wrench around the leather so it was just snug, not tight, up to the lip on the front edge. I then gently tapped the back of the wrench towards the muzzle. The cap will slide off undamaged and you can then loosen the mainscrew and seperate the barrel and stock. After a few dozen repetitions the cap to stock fit wll loosen a bit and you'll be able to remove by hand.
Not that long ago (Xmas 2010) I was gifted a wonderful Mannlicher model and was in the same place you're in. The manual doesn't say a damn thing about how to do it, either.

Here's what I did, it works for me but is a bit clumsy.

Take the gun, make sure it is unloaded. Walk over to the vise, and make sure the gun is unloaded. Take a scrap of leather, your local hobby/craft place has some if you don't have any, wrap it over the lip on that metal end-cap.
Gently clamp the metal lip in the vise, while supporting the stock, this can be a three-handed job sometimes. Gently pull rearwards on the stock, the metal cap will pop right off with little effort, if it slips out of the vise, that's OK, just clamp it in one tiny adjustment tighter (you don't want to crush it smaller here, that just makes it harder!)

Last time, I didn't have my mini-vise mounted, and I clamped it on anyway,l while dangling the gun downwards ... the weight was enough to wiggle it off. I may do it this way every time now, or look into attaching a weight to a set of vise-grips ... I've only tried it once but it was a two-hand job instead of three.

So far I haven't scratched the cap, damaged the wood, or done anything but scuff up the leather. One of these days I'll grind out the inside of the cap and/or trim it to attach to the stock ONLY. I have a spare cap and screw on-hand for when I screw it up, too.
If you booger it up, the replacement parts aren't too expensive, so don't panic.
Thanks y`all! I'm going to have to track down some leather and pop that sucker off there. In the mean time I'm going to have to find the time to put a few hundred more rounds it. She's the first rifle I've purchased, most of my experience is with polymer semi-automatics.
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