1911 Clone - Grip Safety doesn't work

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Old Uncle

May 6, 2008
Appalachia, USA
Hi, all,

I bought a Fillipino (Charles Daly) 1911 that was real cheap, the intention being to learn on. If I break it, I don't lose much... 4" commander style, but with a full size frame, I think it's an EMS but a bit older than the current models. I'm generally handy with firearms, but not even close to being a gunsmith.

Anyway, the trigger drops the hammer whether I'm depressing the grip safety or not. My first project! I'm planning on buying a new grip safety, safety lock plunger, and plunger spring, but figured I'd better check with the experts and see if I'm way off base.


You're learning already.

Now you're rapidly starting your second stage of learning. You're about to learn the difference between a major project such as installing a grip safety and a minor piece of maintenance such as replacing the plunger and spring.
The safety spring & plunger have nothing at all to do with the grip safety.

If it fails to block the trigger bow when manually pulled all the way up by the tang, then it is cut wrong.

If it works properly when pulled up by hand, then the right arm of the flat sear spring is bent wrong.

Sometimes you can peen the end of the safety bar enough to repair it.
Otherwise, it needs to be replaced.

Here is a good link to show you what it is supposed to do.

Thanks, all. I got it disassembled and think the issue is that the grip safety is loose - it rattles around a bit and I can make it sit in the exact right spot to block the trigger if I hold it there with a screwdriver. I'm going to try and replace the safety, and am actually glad it's a difficult job.

On a related note, any books or DVDs I should buy to help me get from low-end toolhound to self-sufficient repairman? I have Wood's Gun Digest Assembly/Disassembly manuals, but would be happy to drop a few bucks on anything that's generally considered the gold standard.

Thanks again,

First just bend the right most finger of the sear spring 'out' about 1/4".

Finally got the thing disassembled and reassembled enough to try this suggestion and test the results. It worked like a champ, and the trigger is rock solid if I don't fully depress the grip safety! Sincere thanks for the advice.
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