1st Friday Olde Tyme Cartridge ID Contest

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Mar 10, 2003
West Oakland
Ok so it's not really a contest and I just wanted to use "olde tyme' in a sentence, but in another thread I made mention of an oddball cartridge I had in my collection of shooting stuff. When I went to dig it out I came across some other weird stuff.

So THR gurus’ put on your bullet hat (you do HAVE a bullet hat don’t you?) and tell me what I have.

I’ve put in a plain old .45 230grn Starfire for scale in each shot.









And what do you win? The admiration and adulation of your fellow THR members.

Happy Friday.
Just guesses but I'll say one is a 224 Boz (I'm not even sure of the name) and another is a 223 with some sort of AP bullet.

The others are classified so I can not divulge the answers, plus I have no idea.:D
Mr. Irwin takes the lead with a correct answer for one!

Indeed, two GyroJet carts (I thought those would be easy)- and how I received them is lost in the kists of time, because I sure don't have a GyroJet to launche them with.

Anyone not know what a GyroJet is? I'm sure there are other on this board that can answer with more solid information than I. Suffice to say 'rocket launcher' is the best short answer.
Ok Mike I'll give you that one; mystery cartridge #4 is a Hertenberger .223 frangible .223 Essentially a plastic core with a partial jacket to engage the rifling. I have no idea if it's a training round or a mission specific munition; it will (barely) cycle an AR but will function an AUG just fine.

It is most definitely NOT a less lethal round. But IS safe to use in indoor pistol ranges.

I've about 500 rounds of it for some reason.
OK, since I guess my guess of the 9mm round based on the 7.62x39 is incorrect, I need to retrench...

I've seen that shape bullet before, come to think of it.

I'm thinking it's a short range practic round in 7.62x39, and that the "bullet" is actually a guilding metal shell around a soft plastic interior.

It's designed to allow short range training in confined areas, slow down very rapdily, and present no risk of ricochet.
Mr.Irwin has a triffecta; or is that a 'hat trick'...I can never remember.

Cartridge #3 is indeed a 7.62x39mm East German Plasticore round. Again, don't know if it's a training round or something other. (this is where this all started http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31356 ) It will function an AK but not an SKS, and is also safe to fire at indoor ranges. I used to have a ton of this stuff, comes in ten round packs. Now I think I've a couple hundred rounds.

And now it's down to Mystery Cartridge #2- I think this one will take some time as it's not available to the general public (hint hint).

Mystery cartridge #2 is the round for the FN PDW, the P90. Its 5.7mm bore diameter, and designation is the SS190. Shoots a 31 grain bullet at 2346 fps.

DadOfThree; the cartridge on the right is 13mm and the left is 12mm; I picked them up about five years ago from a woman who came into my store with two of the pistols and a bunch of ammo. They were her late husband's and didn't know what to do with them. One of the pistols was the 'Robert Goddard' Commemorative with the case and the medallion.

Absolutely exquisite. I was able to help her out with a rough estimate of their worth so she let me have two of the cartidges as a 'thank you'.

I've always loved the idea of a hand held rocket launcher. Any idea what velocity these things got upto? Also what would be the final weight of the projectile after the fuel burned off? Always wanted to know.
Will Fennell wraps it up. You are correct sir!

SS190 for the FN FiveSeven and P90 weapon systems. Restricted ammo as it's a weird type of AP. Left over from my dealer stock when I was an LEO distributor for FN.

I'd like to thank all of you for playing and once again THR rises to the challenge.

Now what do we do for the rest of the day?
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