2 Questions about my new Mosin

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Mar 23, 2010
Hey guys,

I just picked up a Mosin and took most of the afternoon to take it apart and give it a nice thorough cleaning. I just have 2 questions about it though. The first is that I can't tell the year of manufacture. It looks like either 1931 or 1951, I'll post a picture as soon as I get a chance.

The other question I have is about the bayonet. The serial doesn't match to the rest of the gun and it's impossible to put on and take off without a rubber mallet to help. I put some gun oil inside the bayonet lug and it helped a little but still quite hard to get it on and off. Any suggestions on resolving this?

I'll put up pictures in a few minutes.

Pictures are attached. I put a picture of the sight just to have #s for comparison. Help me figure out the year please!!!


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Looks like a 1931 to me. My Mosin came with a spring loaded bayonet as well and was surprisingly easy to install and remove. Just a little wiggle and it pops off ready to engage the redcoats.... erm..... paper :D
on the bayonet they where made to be put on and to stay on, the numbers don't match because they usually don't on imported ones as in the gun was in a box and the bayonet was in a different box, be glad that the bolt number matches.

as far as year looks like a 1931 tula

You guys sure it's a 1931? Did they not make them anymore in 1951? I just filled it in with some white crayon and it looks like a 5, but it doesn't look like Tula made them in 1951.
It's clearly a 1931..........
Bayonets were not numbered to the rifles unless they were re-arsenal'd...(from what I've heard)
I took a picture of my 1933 Soviet Mosin for you to compare the year stamp. Forgive the photo since I took it with my iPhone but I think it came out well enough. Hex receiver same as yours.

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Yup, these guys already got it. The hex receiver would rule out 1951. Enjoy your new rifle. --Stork
1931 hex receiver Tula ... you did real good!

The bayonet -will- be hard to fit/remove. The Russians meant for it to go on, and -stay- on unless you were being transported in a truck or train or some such. The rifle is even sighted with the bayonet in place. You need to find something hard/round you can drive into that mount to expand it out a bit if you want to get the thing on/off with ease.
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