20 minute standing "O"?

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Mar 30, 2004
Central Iowa
Loooks like Mikey Moore found some like minds at the Cannes film festival. Haven't found any actual links yet.

What names can I get away with calling this guy?


We can only hope that because of his insistance that he consumes enough food for 3 starving people that his arteries are 90% clogged and only the coroner will find out about it after the fact.Hes a TRAITOR to America.I hope he likes the :evil: Thats where hes gonna wind up someday.
The Taliban sadists will grill the stomach of Mr. Moore when they finish taking over The Islamic Republic of France-istan. He will be confused as they cut him open...
New rules in L and P, bro'.

This is an interesting case. Since it's a thread about a virulent anti-RKBA activist, does it stay even though it's not directly gun related? Since it's about accolades being accorded a proven liar on the subject of the 2nd Amendment, I would say yes, but it's the mods' call I guess.
"lets all chip in and send him some congradulatory candy cheese and red meat with lots of salt in it, like a real Big Hickory farms basket, smoked cheese MMMMMMMMMM."

Okay, that covers lunch. What should we send him for desert?
High road! ( :D )

And yeah, if its about Mike Moore's lies in Bowling for Columbine, its on topic. Lets keep it about the film, and not about how our cheese-loving friends in France like him, eh?

It is very distressing to me to realize just how passionately so many people hate President Bush and everything he stands for. I have to admit that I just don't get it... how can so many people so deeply desire the destruction of our once great society? It is beyond my ability to comprehend this.
It is very distressing to me to realize just how passionately so many people hate President Bush and everything he stands for. I have to admit that I just don't get it... how can so many people so deeply desire the destruction of our once great society? It is beyond my ability to comprehend this.

We are watching the fragmentation of our society along cultural lines. The enemy within will look for any cleft into which to drive a wedge. Gun control has not worked for them, so they expand their search. Any percieved weakness will do. This Moore cretin is just another opportunistic self serving (look at him-you can tell he's self-obsessed, can't you?) self-loather who wants to destroy everything American.
You saying the FRENCH gave Moore a 20 min. standing ovation?

They deserve each other. Maybe he can get a French company to distribute his newest lies. And then maybe the French company can do a backroom deal to get it shown in Iraq.
Rumor has it Disney adamently REFUSES to distribute the film, but.....
the principle investors (Weinstein bros.) of the parent production co. (Mel Gibson's) have been given the option to purchase the film and have it distributed indepently. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
It is very distressing to me to realize just how passionately so many people hate President Bush and everything he stands for. I have to admit that I just don't get it... how can so many people so deeply desire the destruction of our once great society?
I am not trying to flame, but I get depressed when we don't make any progress in 40 years.

The statement you made above contains an error in logic so gross it jumps off the page: if a person hates George Bush, it DOES NOT NECESSARILY follow he hates the US and/or seeks the destruction of it. very cogent agrguments could be proffered that the removal of GWB might be the first step in RESTORING this country's great standing in the world.

Anyway, back when dinosaurs walked the earth and I was young, some guy named Nixon used to make a habit of "warping reality" to suit the particular set of lies he was peddling that day. Another favorite ploy was "National Security" whenever he needed to explain why he COULD prove what he was saying, but could not SHOW you the proof (God help us, it's Deja Vu all over again).

But we said then and I say now:

"NIXON SECURITY" is not necessarily synonomous with "NATIONAL SECURITY", and hating Nixon did not necessarily mean you hated America. Just substitute the name "BUSH" for "NIXON" and you will be up to speed on today's history lesson.
I submit that Oleg make one exception to the High Road policy and create a Michael Moore forum. We could all go there and vent our frustations. This would also help keep other subjects civil. When you have a problem with another member, you simply go to the Michael Moore forum. Whatever mean thing you were gonna write about, or call the member, you post in the Michael Moore forum. Simply replace the member's name with "Michael Moore" in your post. This could apply to the Bush vs Kerry threads as well. Whatever invective you were gonna use against the President or the candidate, simply put in front or behind "Michael Moore".

Seems like a win-win situation to me.

The statement you made above contains an error in logic so gross it jumps off the page
I stand by what I said. While may be a few exceptions around somewhere, those who hate President Bush hate what he stands for, and desire the destruction of our once-great society.
those who hate President Bush hate what he stands for, and desire the destruction of our once-great society.

i dislike Bush immensely because of what he's done to our once great society. I believe all the people who feel the same way do so for the same reason.
targetshootr, I didn't intend my post to be a troll to bring all the liberals out of the woodwork. Nevertheless, I genuinely don't understand why so many liberals passionately hate President Bush. I do see an issue with the PATRIOT Act--I have trouble with that myself. But my concerns there certainly doesn't rise anywhere close to the level of passion that I'm seeing. Other than that, he's mostly done some things that I would think liberals would be happy about--expanded Medicare, and expanded the Dept. of Education's size and meddling in the several States' school programs. His response against those who are making war with our country has been truly remarkable--he has managed to rout much of the enemy with amazingly little loss of life on both sides. I don't see anything that would warrant the hate we're seeing.
You know, if it wasn't for Bowling for Lies and all that I have learned about it from THR and some links the members have furnished, I would have been looking forward to MM's lates "documentary."

That being said, I will look forward to a "play by play" of his latest concoction of lies, half-truths, misinformation and "Pulp Fiction" style editting.

MM is so much of a joke that if so many sheople didn't believe him, it would be funny. Well, it is funny anyways, but it would be a lot funnier if so many sheople didn't blindly believe his every word.

But like Bowling, I will refuse to see it.
Wearing that black suit ... he's like a solar eclipse, blotting out the sun.

So the French hate us. So of course they will fawn before Moore. From what I hear France is no bastion of peace and tolerance itself. Did anyone catch 60 minutes last Sunday?

Anyway Moore has done a lot of damage with his lies, and convinced a lot of fence sitters that we are crazy racist barbarians who need to be controlled. The truth doesn't seem to be any match for his slanders. But maybe we should publish his "white people are cowards" comments. That might make them pause.
I genuinely don't understand why so many liberals passionately hate President Bush.

You may be happy to know that people like me who consider themselves independents also feel the same way. You don't even have to be political to know when someone is in over their head. In most every category we are worse off than we were 3 1/2 years ago and it's not because of dumb luck or al-qaeda as he would have us believe.
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