2A Petition to be signed!

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I read the petition. I don't quite understand the reason. Sure I agree the second is an individual right, and sure I agree certain people want to view it as collective... but what's an online petition to president bush going to do?
Camacho - just to clarify, I'm not bashing the petition. I'm wondering what the goal is? Do you have any more information on why they're having this petition?

I did not think you were bashing the petition. I have no more information beyond that. It is a pre-election rallying the troops, I guess. The Patriot has all kind of petitions going on at all time. Some of them are silly, I must admit. At one point in time, they had one for removal of John Kerry from the Senate which I thought it was outright stupid. They get over the board sometimes but on the 2 Amendment they are right on target.

Listen, the petition will not change the course of this election or the everlasting struggle for gun rights, but it won't hurt either. If they send those to the Congress and the President, at least politicians might (not necessarily will) get it that folks care about the 2 Amendment. It's just one more tool we can use. That's all!
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