870 express

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I bought a newer 870 Express earlier this year. Took it home and gave it a nice cleansing/lubing. I didn't do a heavy polishing in the chamber either, just a basic spraying of cleaner/lube

It has yet to fail on me with anything. Bulk Federal/Winchester birdshot, various shot/brands of buckshot, rifled slugs, whatever I throw down it. I can't understand why someone would shoot a gun before cleaning out the gunk first!
I had the same problem as many with jamming. Just as the others my problem came with the cheap Winchester ammo purchased at Walmart. I went ahead and polished the barrels as prescribed by members here. Took all of twenty minutes to do both.

One jam out of 30 cheapo Winchesters. One jam out of 75 cheapo Federals. Fiochi (sp?) and Remington were perfect. I might go back and polish the barrels one more time, but I don't know if it's worth it. The two jams themselves were not as bad as before, requiring more force to eject but not the stock slamming force like before.

All in all, I love my 870, but feel ticked off all the same. Now I needed the gun to be up and running for a hunting trip, but if I had more time it would have gone right back to Remington. If everyone who has this problem sent it right back, you know it wouldn't be long before the problem was fixed at the factory proper.
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