870 ghost ring?

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Jul 1, 2005
Austin, TX
I've been reading the old posts, but haven't found my answer, so...

Anyone recommend a ghost ring setup for an 870? I know that the new ones come with it, and that Trijicon makes a set, but I don't want to spend that much (and have something radioactive in my closet) I have a friend who can do the drill and tapping.

I looked up and down brownells and midwayusa and didn't find anything.

I had an 870P with the Wilson set up, and honestly, I didn't like it, and subsequently traded for another 870P with a plain bead.

The ghost rings were nice for shooting slugs, but I guess I just prefer the traditional bead.
I had never used them much until working for the Border Patrol, where I had the opportunity to get a bunch of practice using them. I find them to be very fast on target as well as accurate. I do know my slug groupings and fast buckshot shots are better with the ghost rings than with the bead sight, but I'm also of the opinion that with practice and at defense distances a bead is certainly good enough.

I spent the money to have my HD 870 converted to ghost rings by Wilson Combat, but my trunk gun and several others still wear the bead.

I do know a couple friends who have shot with ghost rings and hated them, not sure why. If you get a chance to try some out first, try to do that before spending the money.
I like ghost ring sights on slug/buck guns and can get a more precise shot quicker than with the plain bead. I have so far had the best results with red dots, fastest target aquisition, but precise enough for 100yd slug lobbing within about a foot circle. sitting about 3" above the bore the red dot will keep shot or slugs within a couple inches of POA out to about 100 yds when 0ed 2" high at 50 yards
Brownells has about 8 different options(page 314-315/2006 catalog)
Some rear sights can be mounted on a weaver rail but most are drilled and tapped to the receiver.
There are also slip on front sight's that clamp to the barrel.
I like ghost rings in general but I find the standard remington express style rifle sights that are mounted on the barrel to be just as fast and I prefer a smooth receiver with nothing screwed on...
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