92FS Finish Flake/Chip

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Feb 25, 2007
I posted this on the Beretta Forum, but haven't gotten a response yet. Anyone out there seen something similar?

I just cleaned my new (used) 92FS for the first time & noticed a small finish flake/chip in the slide. It's about 1-2mm & almost round on the LHS just aft of the 'PB' logo. The chip definitely wasn't there before I shot & cleaned it. The finish is "Bruniton". It looks like there's a light clearcoat over a black finish. The defect actually looks like a flake in the clearcoat. The base coat in the area has a duller appearance than the surrounding area. Not a big deal as long as it doesn't spread. I used Rem Oil Spray, Rem Bore Clean & a tiny bit of TW-25B grease on the rails. Pretty standard stuff. Anyone else seen this with the Bruniton finish? :confused:
I know it's minor, but I'm concerned it'll grow or start happening all elsewhere on the slide. Probably nothing to worry about...

buckeyeman, though the "defect" is small and probably cosmetic in nature and wouldn't bother me if it stayed that way, I share your concerns that maybe it is a harbinger for things to come. The fact that the blemish occured after you shot it and was not there before would also have me a little worried. If the folks on the Beretta forum don't come through, I'd send an e-mail, along with the photo to Beretta and see what they have to say. At least you will have verification of bringing the matter early on if the worst case scenario developes. But my base feeling is it's probably not a big deal.

Good luck, Happy New Year and let us know what happens.
Thanks. Just sent the pic to Beretta Cust Svc. I'll let you know what they say.
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