A brief farewell, hopefully not for too long.

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I've thought that mounting a keyboard and monitor on a treadmill would really be cool. With some of the discussions at different web sites a person might do fifty miles before they realized it. Time to go second hand shopping because I need it as bad as anyone.
I like SM's advice, take a walk with your .410. If you're still reading, good luck!

It can be done, I lost 80 pounds in 2000 and have maintained since - excercise and calorie counting. However you do it, you'll feel a lot better.
Recent articles in the JAMA and other publications are confirming what Atkins said for years - it's a good way to eat.

Our grandmothers knew that "starches (carbs) make you fat" long before modern "science" "discovered" it.

They were right.

Best wishes to you! Don't neglect the weight training, and please DO research cayenne pepper for your heart.
Good luck to you. I noticed that the pants were starting to get a bit tight myself recently. At 32 I decided that getting any more out of shape was unacceptable and started the Body For Life program. It is a book written by Bill Phillips. A lot of good common sense information about eating and exercise. I started it the first of the year and have been seeing my weight drop ever since. I feel better and am starting to see the results. It is worth checking out. I wish you the best.
Okie ... I suspect you are gonna be ''conspicuous by your absence'' round here :p.

Does sound like you need some revitalizing!! Hope all goes well for you, and despite your mention of staying away until you have gotten things down a bit .. if there is any way you can ''report in'' .. even hijack someone else puter!! Do it!

All best wishes to you and thx for all you have given here.

Hurry back - y'hear!:)
Best of luck to you, friend. Losing weight isn't the easiest thing in the world, believe me. But it isn't the hardest thing, either.

Take your time, get lots of protein, and realize that you might be improving your health by building muscle, and hence, not lowering that number on the scale.

We're here if you need support!
As one who hath trodden that sobering path, I offer best wishes. With any luck, you shall be gracing this forum again, soon.

Incidentally, I went the route of Kajukenbo. it worked.
Hey Okiecruffer: less surf time = more trigger time. Carry some ammo cans around the house - one in each hand. Get a workout at home and it gets you ready for the range too. :)

We'll save a spot by the campfire for you.:)

Good luck losing the weight. I used to be rail thin but have been getting less skinny as I age and my metabolism slows. I'm trying to put the breaks on now and gain good healthy weight instead of being a skinny guy with a belly.

If you have potential heart problems I would advice against Atkins. My father and grandfather both have had heart surgery in the last 18 months and the Atkins diet would probably kill both of them at this point. The higher carb, lower fat/protien diet is really healthier if you can commit to the exercise to get your metabolism back up and burning the carbs off. If successful you end up thinner and in shape as opposed to Atkins where you are thinner and still very much out of shape.

Good luck.
And let's see some before and after pictures

Just be holding a gun so that's it's on topic!:D

Good luck and may God hold you in his hand. By losing weight you make his job a little easier.;)
Uh... Get your science straight... Most cholesterol, tri-crap, etc., is created in the body, not ingested. Usually created from sugars (flour, rice, potatos, etc., are sugars) when the body has a surplus and needs to store. Insulin also gets rocked by the sugars. A _normal_ protein (which Atkins really is...) and _normal_ fat diet, sparing the carbos, results in a maintenance of lean body mass (muscle) and a loss of fat. The body needs protein to survive - you die without it. The body needs fat to survive - you die without it. You cut off carbs, and do you die? Nope. You just get leaner.
Working out and dieting isn't something you do when it's time to lose weight; you need to make working out and eating right a part of your life.

I'm 52 yo, 5'9" and weigh 155#. I work out three times a week minimum, but I don't drink sodas or eat potato chips. I drink water and snack on nuts. I eat well, but I don't eat junk food ever. I don't eat at McDonalds, BK or any other fast food unless there's no other option (there are always better options). Wendy's isn't too bad but I haven't eaten there in years.

Although wheat, dairy and sugar are a mainstay of the typical American diet, studies are finding that they are problematic and contribute to weight gain. Pizza? Forget it. The bread and cheese are killers – sugar and fat.

Most of my diet consists primarily of either beef, chicken or fish,and green vegetables (string beans, peas, broccoli et al). Japanese and Chinese cuisines seem to work well, although the jury is still out on white rice. I used to eat lots of fruit but the sugar was keeping weight that I wanted to lose. I reduced the fruit and lost 8 lbs.

Working out is a combination of weight training and aerobics. My routine is mostly weight training, but I’ll put in an intense 20 minutes on a stationary bike before I get to the weight room.

The above is way over-simplified but that’s the gist of my regimen.

Good luck.

Edit: Bogie, I missed your post before I started typing. Right on.
I had no idea that so many people cared, it is appreciated. I also didn't mean to start a low carb vs. low fat diet war. Just for the record, I'm going low fat, being a vegetarian it gives more choices than a high protein diet. Someone mentioned a weight loss group started by members of THR, but danged if I can find it. If someone has a link they'd have my thanks. As far as excersize, I've never stopped weight training, but with the offspring moving away, I have slowed down a bit. I can no longer bench press my weight, but like I said, I'm up to 300lbs. There was a time when I could bench that, oh to be young and spry again. Anyhow, maybe I can come up with a whole new plan, write a book, and make millions. We can have the first ever THR get together and make some noise party. Ammo's on me.
Okie....you CAN do it.

You're right about the old fashioned way of losing weight....excercise, eating lean proteins (fish and chicken/turkey without skin, soy, etc.) and complex carbs (fresh fruit and veggies,) is all you really need. Portion control is also a huge factor. Don't over eat.

The fad diets all have their risks. Stick to the basics, get yourself moving, and you WILL be thinner. Bodyforlife.com sticks to the basics and is a great way to lose weight.....ask me how I know. You don't have to do the body builder routine if you don't want to but the weight WILL come off.

Good luck

Good luck on the weight loss. The "no fad" route is the best way. Eat sensibly and exercise more. I lost 65 lbs that way back in the summer of '95 - from 255 to 190. I ate regular meals while limiting my calorie intake to no more than 1500 a day and treadmilled a mile every evening. It took me about 6 months.

My secret weapon was Hershey's Kisses (on the suggestion of a friend who had lost over 100 lbs). I would pop one in my mouth 20-30 minutes before meals. I would let it melt instead of chewing. It was amazing how much my appetite would diminish by the time we sat down to eat (not to metion how it "full" it made me feel).

I also found it much easier to make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, then have a sensible lunch, and go light on dinner.

Once you get into the "groove" you will be surprised at how much you can eat and still meet your calorie goals. You can make a whole gallon pot full of a veggie-based soups or stews that has fewer than 1000 calories in te whole pot. Skinless chicken can be prepared about a zillion ways with different spices for a ton of mealtime variety. Turkey based lunch meats combined with different kinds of mustard, lots of fresh veggies and low-cal whole grain breads can make for some monster sandwiches.

In fact, when I made up my mind that what I was doing was not dieting, but making the choice to begin eating right and exercising, it became second nature and the pounds just started melting off.

Good luck!

Best Regards, Sir

Rmember, all the plans in the world boil down to "Eat less, Exercise more"
Just take it easy to start.

Seems to me that Derek Zeanah, our computer guru on THR, had started or knew about the site you mentioned about members of this board and weight loss solutions. I went there once but I can't remember the site. You should PM Derek and I'm sure he can direct you there. Good luck to you.

Like Bogie, I've had great success with Atkins. I am 6' and was over 300 for a time. I went on Atkins and went down to 215 in about 6 months in 1999. Been able to keep it off. Worked great for me but you have to do what makes you comfortable. It's a life style change. Once you go on it you can't go back or you end up where you were.
being a vegetarian
Don't take this personally, but my other half is a nutrition consultant and of all groups she works with, vegetarians are generally the least healthy. They don't get enough proteins/amino acids. If the body doesn't get what it needs when you eat, it wants more and you're still hungry. The result being that you consume a lot more calories than if you had a more balanced diet. In general the only folks that do okay on a vegetarian diet are those with type A blood types (something about the blood type evolving in an agrarian society).

I'm not real big on Atkins because the diet is too acid, but it probably okay as a jump start. You need to eat and work out for the long haul.
Well, being a carnivore and all has its positives and negatives... I've noticed that I now eat a lot more "good" veggies than I used to... I mean, I'd go out to dinner, and get a bacon cheeseburger, fries, coupla buds, etc...

Now I go out to dinner, and I'll get the bacon cheeseburger, no bun, no fries, coupla michelob ultras, and a salad... Or just get a chef's salad.

Dude, you've got a good support group here - don't feel like you've gotta tough it out.
I have been on a low carb (Atkins) diet for 4 years now and I have found that "acid" and the stomach upset and heartburn that comes with it went away almost immediately. That is one of the first things most people on the diet for more than a few days notice. No more Tums and Rolaids. I have found it to be the only thing that I can stick with. It has saved my life. How's that for a testimonial?

My father was a chemical engineer and specialized in bio-chemistry. He said it was extremely difficult to be a true vegetarian and get all the amino acids and necessary proteins the body needs. If you go that route you may want to add some meats now and then to make up for any deficiencies.
You take care of yourself, Okie, cuz we want you back! You'll need our advice about who to punch in the nose! :)

Seriously, I went through alot in my 30's also. Had a liver transplant, and it's all about getting healthy again so you can do what you want to do. So get your butt in shape and get back here! :D

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