A bubble gun?? School overreacts...

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Man, do I feel old--when I was a kid, we boys used to write stories about blood & guts getting blown up all over the place for class, and as long as our grammar was decent enough the teachers would just laugh. Nowadays, not only can't children have such a creative outlet (ahem :)) without getting shipped off to Gitmo, their grammar sucks even worse than ours did (a lot worse, from what I've seen).

I guess it is not politically correct to play cowboys and indians anymore.

No, it's cattle herders and Native Americans, neither of whom use guns. That's what they call gringo vaqueros and Injuns these days. ;)

.This is a bad day for Common Sense.

On the contrary, the media just showed that they still have some left, while exposing the people we should be the most wary of. To put it bluntly, we need to take our children out of public schools.

how the hell do these school administrators still have jobs?

And I wonder whether that's how they got their jobs in the first place.... :uhoh:
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I can be trusted to teach the future generation but not protect them... atleast I have a couple of metal staplers to throw at a bad guy... but i can't be trusted with my Glock I'm licensed to carry :banghead:

That's the funny thing about those who strongly oppose allowing teachers to carry--they've been claiming lately that it would create more violence. Huh? :confused: Nobody has suggested arming students, just teachers and other school employees. If you guys are considered too dangerously unstable to handle guns (on a voluntary basis, no less--this weeds out the anti-gun teachers who don't even trust themselves), then why are people allowing you to be around their children all day, let alone teach them?

I'm starting to think that most antis, particularly the well-meaning ones, must have a gene that makes them unable to sense self-contradiction (i.e. they have no sense of cognitive dissonance). This common willingness to readily embrace doublethink among the population is frankly rather frightening. :uhoh:

No....this is the LLW plan......since they can't take our guns away and do away with 2A....they're going to make it a moral issue and garner public support to ensure gun owners are viewed as cigarette smokers......Anti Social Dirt Bags....starting with our kids in school.....if you tear a corner out of a piece of paper and hold it up....it's automaticallly a gun and your suspended.....anything Gun gets you put out of the social norm....this is how to change societies values by threatening our younger generation.....their master plan.

Whether there is a well-organized master plan in place or not, clearly there is an agenda being carried out in public schools, and we're being made into pariahs. I know some parents who own guns and support the RKBA, but have made the subject of guns taboo in their own homes, just like in school, so that their children won't accidentally slip and get suspended. :banghead:

Private schools and home schooling are the answer, and opt-out vouchers are a means to get there. Of course, whenever I mention them here I get cut off by a moderator telling me school vouchers are irrelevant in THR's realm. But this sort of madness in the public schools (and in some private schools as well) proves that vouchers are very relevant.

I agree that the subject of education, including where our children are educated, is very relevant to the long-term future of the RKBA. We have to take all the appropriate steps in all of the relevant areas (our opponents are doing just that) while we're still strong, otherwise we'll eventually end up as just another lunatic fringe group in the eyes of the general public (if this hasn't happened already).
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According to news report, the gun was not even brought to the school, they were only talking about shooting each other with a bubble gun.
According to news report, the gun was not even brought to the school, they were only talking about shooting each other with a bubble gun.

They're teaching our children from Kindergarten onward that "gun" is a four-letter word--and more than that, labeling the violators terrorists. Aren't they jumping the gun a bit in going after the 1st Amendment before they've even finished off the 2nd Amendment? :rolleyes: Trust me, if they could read thoughts and ban those, they would.
to play devils advocate... as a teacher, why would a student need a bubble gun at school? for what class would it be useful? if they were disrupting class have them put it away... suspension is way overboard penalty.
The article I read on this incident said a school official overheard the girl talking about the bubble gun while at the bus stop. The girl was searched and did not have the 'gun.'
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