A commentary by a commentator who "gets it!"

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Im not a religious person, but whenever I read quotes and papers from the true patriots and founding fathers of this country it makes me wonder.
Like it says in the article, "all we have to do is read their writings" which spell it out so clear, and is so obvious, it makes me wonder if there were bigger powers helping out.
It is so freaking depressing learning more and more about the founders and then seeing how everything they worked and fought so hard for is now pretty much gone or in the process of being forgotten.
A copy should be sent to every newspaper columnist that publishes a "blood will run in the streets" article. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
This is the very essence of what is needed in our quest for liberty stolen. Clear, concise reasoning and logical argument,simply stated. The author has put forth an irrefutable chain of coherent, eloquently stated truths. No rant, no scent of what the antis could possibly get fuel from. Well done!!
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