A couple of Hawg questions

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Dec 27, 2002
Hill Country, Texas
Was out at the lease the yesterday picking off quail when I came across an interesting sight that got me thinking about my upcoming "hog season" (you know, when deer season is finally over). What I saw was a whole bunch of chewed up prickly pears (the "leaves" as there are no fruit on the cacti yet). Now the stream has been low lately, but there still has been water in it. Why would hogs (or deer for that matter) eat cactus if there was still fresh water? I'm thinking to bait around some of these pricly pears if there is a real reason for them to frequent those spots.

Secondly, I have never needed to bait for hogs before. I have read a lot about souring corn. I have also read that souring doesn't do anything but cover your scent. Since I trust the members of this forum I will ask you: Sour vs. Non-sour? Also, I assume that digging a post hole and covering it is best, yes?

In the past I have shot hogs in fields under full or near full moons. Where I am now is rather dense and I don't think that'll work. I may need to resort to calling or using a light. Any feedback on these? The hogs in this area don't seem to pack run much, mostly seem to be solitary or in pairs. So any other suggestions would be appreciated. Also, is it typically better after sunset (till midnight or so) or before sunrise (starting at about 3A)?

Thanks everyone,
The idea of digging a hole for corn, I guess, is to slow the hogs down a bit, and keep deer or birds from getting to it.

With a likely place to sit and watch bait, I'd use a bunch of different stuff. Save the scraps from mealtime in Ziploc bags in your freezer. Meat, veggies, whatever. About two or three hours before sundown, put out different stuff: A small rag soaked in bacon grease, food scraps, corn. No telling what will show up, or when...

:), Art
Have actually seen Javalina knawing on Prickley Pear cactus quite a few times. Guess its an alternative source of water since there isnt much flowing in the streams in Arizona.

Hawg hunting is fun. I did alot of boar hunting in Georgia and South Carolina in the past and enjoyed it very much. Didnt take time to do much Javalina hunting in Arizona when I was stationed there.
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