A great day for a silhouette shoot!!

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Feb 19, 2008
Arizona and Wyoming
Well, fellers, today is a very special day for my, it is the 50th anniversary of the day I was sworn into the United States Air Force at the Armed Forces examining center in Denver Colorado. There is no more life-changing event that can happen to a person, IMHO, in my case it was much for the better and I have no regrets for having taken the step. I had thought about making it a big deal today, with a little party etc, but I have no friends in this area that are veterans so it would not have much meaning. I will take my wife and granddaughter out for a nice lunch somewhere, fly my flag in front of my house, and go to my ususal Wednesday evening silhouette shoot. It is still a big deal to me, and my mind is full of memories. Here is the oath as it existed at that time in 1958;

I do solemnnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all enemies whomsoever, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me, God.

The oath was change to its present form in the early 1960's.

Even though the contract has expired long ago, the oath still remains, it is a lifetime vow, and I continue to treat it as such.

Hoping you all have as good a day as I intend to have today, Best Regards. JN
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