A letter to my Legislators

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Nov 27, 2010
South Central Alaska
I just sent another email to my legislators, and I thought I would post it here so others could use it if they wanted. It covers a lot, and it's probably too long. But, this is actually the short version I ended up with after spending a while whittling it down.

Regarding the recent hoplophobic panic triggered by the unlawful and horrific actions of violent criminals, and the associated perception that there's a "need" to pass some kind of gun control legislation in order to "do something" about gun violence, I offer the following:

The natural right of a person to use force – lethal force if necessary - to defend one's self, one's family, one's community, and even one's country, from threats as personal and intimate as the random violence of an individual criminal, to those as detached and far-reaching as the systematic tyranny of oppressive governments - a right specifically protected by the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution, and confirmed many times by the highest court in the nation - is not debatable, any more than the right to be free from the bonds of slavery, or the right to peaceably assemble is debatable.

As such, the "compromises" regarding the right to keep and bear arms which are currently being discussed in our nation’s capital, and elsewhere across the country, are no more acceptable than would be a "compromise" regarding other civil rights. People need “assault weapons” with “high capacity” magazines as much as Rosa Parks needed to sit on the front of the bus, as much as women and minorities needed to vote, and as much as the students at Kent State needed to protest the war in Vietnam. Indeed, it is no small matter for a government to even consider the restriction of natural rights. And in the face of recent tragedy, it is also no small matter for the people to oppose such restrictions. But I, and thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands, of free people courageously do.

In my view, and the view of many of your constituents, a vote for any gun control legislation is a blatant breach of our Legislator’s oath of office, and will not be tolerated. Period. Likewise, any simple vote "against gun control" is merely a neutral position. But, if a candidate is actively fighting to strengthen and protect our natural right to keep and bear arms, that candidate deserves our support, and we will vote accordingly.

As one of your undeclared, independent, constituents, this is how I will vote in every election from this point forward:

A vote for any gun control measure, or introduction or sponsorship of any gun control legislation will be definitive cause to vote against any given incumbent, regardless of their party affiliation, or their position on any other topics.

Voting against any and all proposed gun control measures presented to them will provide a reason to consider any incumbent as a legitimate candidate for re-election.

And, any incumbent actively fighting against gun control, and for the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, will earn my vote, regardless of their party affiliation, or their position on any other topic.

Obviously, the subject of gun rights is a hot topic in Washington right now. And, given the current attacks on your constituent’s Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, I challenge you to take a bold step; I challenge you to uphold your oath of office; I challenge you to introduce legislation to repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968, an act that, among other things, revokes the right of non-violent felons to keep and bear arms, creates a de facto gun registration through the creation of FFL dealers and their requirement to keep records of the legal purchases of firearms, and introduced the concept into law that a lack of a legitimate "sporting purpose" could be a valid reason to regulate firearms. None of these restrictions are warranted when the Second Amendment clearly states that the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Now, more than ever, our country needs you to boldly fight to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Now, more than ever, the people of this country need you to boldly fight to protect our civil rights.

Now, more than ever, you need to take action; you need to champion the people’s right to keep and bear arms.
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