A MUST READ for those who value gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment!

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Dec 17, 2005
Have you noticed that even the most anti-gun/anti-2A folks out there are now saying they are FOR the 2nd Amendment?

Here's why they are saying it.

Here's why the anti 2A folks now all "support" the 2A. CLICK HERE:http://www.thirdway.org/products/21

Download, and read the pdf. file when the link opens!

You need to understand WHY this rhetoric has changed, so you can understand what is happening and help protect our gun rights in the future!

When asked on each of these proposals whether a Democrat could support it and “still be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment right to own a gun,”

Renewing assault weapons ban (71% all, 67% gun owners)

That is why we lose. The media has vilified assault weapons so much.

That 67% of gun owners are one of three groups.

First group is the hunters that don't care about other guns as long as they get to keep their huntin rifle/shotgun.

Second are people that don't realize some of those banned weapons are mechanically the same as they ones they own (same receivers), just with different cosmetic features.

Third are the most nefarious (Yes you Josh Sugarmann...) fanatical gun banners that also own guns. They want guns for them, but nobody else.
Third Way, the "progressive" thinktank, is mostly owned by telecommunications companies and bankers. They tried to push telecom immunity.

I don't think they're any friend of gun owners, Democrats, or Republicans.
Chipperman said:
victory for us
I kind of see it the same way. It seems to me like the point of it was to say "Voters support the RKBA. If you want to be elected or stay in office, you don't have much choice but to follow suit."

Even if politicians are forced to "appear" to support the 2A, it's better than outright fighting against it. I'd vote for someone who supports the RKBA for reasons of political expediency over someone who has deep convictions against it.:eek:
That piece of crap memo says something like 67% of gun owners support an assault weapons ban..........Do you believe that? I don't. Also, what is this supposed gun show loophole? The shows here perform the same background checks as the stores, so where's the loophole?
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Even if politicians are forced to "appear" to support the 2A, it's better than outright fighting against it.

Wolf in Sheeps clothing...

To me, these are the worst kind because they fool people into trusting them. Then after they are elected, their true colors always show, and then it is too late!

I would rather vote for neither!
"Progressives" are mostly left-wing folks with a strong bent towards a collectivist society. Also, too many of them are the sort of utopian idealists who will stop at nothing to impose their view a "the good society" on the rest of us--whether we want it or not.

Utopians are more dangerous than crooks. Nobody is more likely to be totally ruthless than a professional "do-gooder" with a cause.
Danders Up

Nobody is more likely to be totally ruthless than a professional "do-gooder" with a cause.

My dander was up; and then I started thinking about prohibition, the war on drugs and I sat back down in my chair deflated.

These quacks are qualify. Time to mount an insurection.
"Progressives" are mostly left-wing folks with a strong bent towards a collectivist society. Also, too many of them are the sort of utopian idealists who will stop at nothing to impose their view a "the good society" on the rest of us--whether we want it or not.

Utopians are more dangerous than crooks. Nobody is more likely to be totally ruthless than a professional "do-gooder" with a cause.

That was an EXCELLENT post.

If you ever read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, you can get a hint of how terrifying it is.

Crooks just want your wallet, or your cell phone, or maybe your car.

Utopians and left wingers:, they want to implement mass murder and terror and chaos while they decide who gets to live and who should die.
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The word "progressive" implies "new and better". I always thought it was a slimy attempt by socialists and fascists to disguise who they really are by calling themselves "progressive".

In this article, they certainly show their tendency to pull the wool over our eyes by using deception and deceptive language. Clearly their true purpose is to infringe the 2nd amendment while claiming to support it.

What a bunch of con men.

Even when we get a favorable ruling in the Heller case, there is a great danger that these "progressives" will seek to do an end run by pushing for "reasonable" restrictions on our rights.
Words are powerful.

Words persuade.

Go ahead and ignore this.

They want you to.

Gun people as a group do not understand organization. They don't understand communicating to persuade. They think that the world is "my way or the highway."

The "progressives" are assuming that you are a bunch of redneck mouth-breathing uneducated fools.

Now, do you want to prove them to be correct?
Heh. The first sentence sorta gives it away. They say that progressives are often seen as anti-gun, and as people who do not value gun owners or their positions.

I note, however, that the next part of the sentence does not say "This is not true." It says, "here's how to get past that perception."

Still, this is the key tactic: frame the discussion properly, control how things are talked about, and you can heavily influence how people respond.
Consider the strong support among gun owners for the following messages from a Democratic candidate:

“I take a back seat to no one in support of Second Amendment rights, but I also support requiring criminal background checks at gun shows and continuing the ban on assault weapons.”
(Supported by 83% of gun owners)

Really? 83% of gun owners suport a ban on "assault" weapons? I don't think so...

“Americans have a right to own a gun to protect themselves and their families.”
(Supported by 93% of gun owners)

I think it would be more like 100%.

“Our gun rights come with the responsibility to keep them out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and children.”
(Supported by 85% of gun owners)

If they are talking about "child proofing" schemes like gun locks on unloaded firearms, encoded firearms that only one person can shoot, etc...I don't think they have anything near 85%.

These people are deluding themselves if they think they can delude us.
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