A New Generation?

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Sep 9, 2004
My wife rented a movie last week, I don't recall what it was...probably a chick flick. While I was working on my laptop she started the movie and the "upcoming movie" trailers began.

The movie appeared to be by Disney/Pixar with the "Toy Story-like" quality, an animated movie. It showed a rabbit minding his business in the forest and then looks up after hearing a distant rumble. The rumble gets louder and it shows a stereotypical "hunting hick" driving through the serene forest in an old pickup truck heading for the bunny. He chases the rabbit through the forest before cornering it up against a tree.

The hunter draws a bead on the helpless, watery eyed bunny and all of a sudden a squirrel jumps out in the defense of the rabbit. The next few dramatic frames show all the branches of every tree lined with squirrels in attack formation. The hunter runs in fear and the truck is launched skyward and comes crashing down right behind our evil villian.

The film is called "Open Season" and is due for release around Fall of 2006.

Don't think I'll be dropping a nickel on this one. Even my 14 year old son said, "What are they trying to do, turn kids against hunting, too?"
Even my 14 year old son said, "What are they trying to do, turn kids against hunting, too?"
Smart kid. :)

Isn't that what Disney has been doing for two generations or more? With increasingly tasteless methods, borrowing more and more from the "fascist handbook of propaganda movie making"... :barf:
Large Quicktime trailer can be found here. I do hope thats a pre-production trailer, the quality of the CGI is not that great. Looks sorta like a cross 'tween old style cell animation and Toy Story qualtiy. About what I'd expect for a computer game.

I think I'll pass on this one as well. :barf:
It's all Flower's fault; He sissified Bambi. Sounds like that trailer would be a good argument for the 50 round 10/22 mags.! :evil:
It is accurate though. I always drive up to 5 feet in front of my target and then use a scope to aim.

"Since the beginning of time, man has ruled the forest." :scrutiny:
No mention of wolves, dogs, foxes, bobcats, or any other predators that hunt rabbits.

Sounds like a good reason to hunt with a semi-auto rifle. :)
Are we perhaps taking this a little too far? It's a movie, for entertainment. Was "Finding Nemo" a veiled epithet against fishermen or those that collect fish?

I mean, if you're not into toons, fine. If you don't like Disney because they produce crap, fine as well. But do we really think this is meant to be direct social commentary?

And, as a P.S., there are plenty of Bubbas that kill animals for fun and act every bit the stereotype. Are they off-limits? I don't think I'll go see this movie either, but not because I care about some pseudo shot at hunters, but because it just doesn't look good.

Of course, if Michael Moore or Alec Baldwin do any of the voices, I'll burn Disney to the ground. :evil:
Fall 2006, if you dollar cost average the price of the movie ticket you aren't going to buy over the next year you might have enough for a box or two of shells for hunting season next year. :neener:

Just another misquided attempt at changing the definition of Hunting to resemble the one for Killing. Maybe it will get more people worried about animal domination and get them into hunting.
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