A new view of shotguns

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Oct 31, 2005
Southeast Michigan
In a faculty office discussion, a colleague who does not appear to be anti, expressed the opinion that shotguns were not deadly.

Apparently he did not realize that shot comes in a variety of sizes.
Even blanks are deadly. Bird shot at close range makes really nasty messes of people and critters.

The cops carry shotguns for a reason...
shotguns not deadly? hmmm...tell that to the deer I've shot over the years. apparently they didn't know that what I shot them with wasn't deadly.
Those of us that are gun oriented in our "hobby/pass time" will some times forget that what many people believe about guns is almost...unbelieveable! I think hollywood has poisioned the thought process. Also, too many are not around guns in real life so they just listen to the news...and we know where that will lead them.

Remember, ignorance is correctable. Take 'em under your wing and gently teach them. They'll come around. :D

Bring some shells into your meeting next time. Slug, sabot, buckshot, birdshot.

I think it will become very clear once they're cut open.
Ask him if he thinks that a gun can fire eight 9mm rounds with one pull of the trigger, or that can fire .73 caliber bullets, and can switch back and forth between both modes from one shot to the next, is more or less deadly than a gun that can only fire one .22 caliber projectile at a time...
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