A Nothing Situation?

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Feb 2, 2007
I don't have any kids myself, so I'm rarely exposed to the challenges of raising them - I found myself in a nothing situation that really raised my awareness of my immediate environment.

Not gun related, but...

Last night I went over to a friends house for dinner. After arriving, they ask me to run out for beer so I walked one block down to their neighborhood liquor store. As I was standing in the check out line, I was observing how slow the guy running the counter was. The guy was basically older than dirt and had a bad hip so he moved really slow – I’m patient.

Four young teenagers walk in, three girls and one boy. The boy walks to the right and the girls to the left near the candy. The kids all stood around for a few minutes – the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt like they where sizing me up. Turns out the girls were the distraction to the owner while the boy stole a cigar that he could reach over the counter. The boy bolted out of the store, the owner asked the girls to leave.

The owner laughed because he knew he could not do anything about the situation.

As I reflected on the situation…

a) Kids will be teenagers, but I was amazed how stupid it was for the boy to risk his freedom over something so trivial.

b) Certainly the owner could rearrange his counter.

c) I was wearing loose flip flops which would have flown off my feet had I given chase to the boy – but what would that have accomplished?

Chasing the kid would have opened me up to risk and potential lawsuit (this is CA).

I felt bad about the situation, next time the hairs on the back of my neck stand up – I’m leaving.

Note to self, be safe, BSR
Kids are kids and will shoplift/etc. It just shows you that you were more aware of your surroundings than most people.
It's a cigar, not worth chasing anyone over.
Teenager+cigar= pot smoking. I won't condemn them for smoking weed but stealing just isn't right.......sounds like they know the old man can't stop them.
sounds like they know the old man can't stop them

What if he had a spandaus machine gun mounted on his counter like they used to have on the hall-monitor desk in Funky Winkerbean. Even if it fired caps, It'd get attention.
Yup. A cigar can be just a cigar. I remember the last thing I ever stole. I was maybe eight years old in Kaiserslaughtern, Germany where my Dad was stationed. We's been on a trip and stopped in a little store just off base for a snack on the way home.
I lifted a couple of comic books while nobody was looking and went out to the family Mustang. on the way home, my Mom noticed me reading the comic books and asked me how I got them since she knew I didn't buy them.
To shorten the story some, I fessed up and we returned to the old man's store where my Dad made me admit to the old bastard the vile deed I'd done.
He looked me in the eye and in broken English said " Keep the comic books. Remember how you got them. Guten Tag."
He stood up as straight as his old back would allow him to and went about his business. I expect my Dad paid him but nothing was ever said. To this day I remember the shame and regret.
Aside from a heart or three, I've not stolen a damn thing since.
Different times, I guess.

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