A positive Yahoo! article by gun owners

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Jan 10, 2010
Northwest Coast
When Yahoo News asked gun owners about gun-related violence, they received these responses - http://news.yahoo.com/gun-owners-gun-violence-education-enforcement-not-fewer-192400491.html

Education, training and enforcement: the 4-H S.A.F.E. (Shooting Awareness, Fun and Education) program is a perfect example of taking children who know nothing about firearms and teaching them safety, ethics, responsibility and how to enjoy the shooting sports through actually shooting guns.

JROTC programs in high schools around the nation promote shooting sports. Another great shooting education effort, endorsed and supported by the federal government, is the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). These and more educational programs at the local level will teach children the truth about guns - Ben Baker, Georgia

Gun debate should be solved locally: As a 26-year-old firearm owner and a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, I know the value of defending one's self ... I believe it is indeed a natural right to defend your own life and property by whatever means you deem necessary.

Of course, I realize not everyone shares this view. Therefore, I think the best solution regarding firearms is policy undertaken at the state level, even the county level, rather than at the national level - Christopher Salas, Virginia

Good people with guns are vital: Government can't stop crazy and can't produce morality ... So what is the solution to our present distress?

Good people with guns.

In 2010, in Blountville, Tenn., an armed man went to Central High School with killing on his mind. The school resource officer shot the perp dead. No children died there that day, so there was no media frenzy, but one bullet stopped a criminal permanently. That's how it should be.

... there are lots of good, honest gun owners out there: moms, dads, grandparents and such, and they're well-trained and willing to volunteer to protect children. I say we let them - Wiley Vaughn, Tennessee

Gun control is more dangerous than guns: the FBI found that "the use of knives/cutting instruments was over three times more prevalent than the use of a gun." Clearly, violence threatens our children even when guns aren't present. And according to ABC's 20/20 report, in nations that banned guns from private citizens, a sharp rise in crime followed: a 45 percent increase in armed robberies in Australia, and a 50 percent rise in gun crimes in England.

So if banning guns increases violence, what can reduce it?

The root cause we must focus on in preventing mass killings are the mentally ill. In most cases, mental health professionals or family members failed to take note of ample red flags preceding the tragedy - Anni Sofferet, Washington

Gun restrictions aren't a solution:According to FBI statistics, gun sales went up by 12 percent from 2008 to 2011. Violent crime was reduced by 15.5 percent in the last decade, falling to a 37-year low. Thirty-five percent of U.S. females own a firearm, and before you try to tell one of them that they don't need a gun to protect themselves, you should know that 75,341 forcible rapes were reported in 2011. If that isn't a national tragedy deserving of our political attention, I don't know what is.

It is important, however, to remember that legal gun owners are not the problem or the enemy - Nathan Hostetler, Colorado
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