A pro gun news article?

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Nov 21, 2006

After unsuccessful efforts to ram constitutionally challenging gun-control measures through the Legislature, Gov. Ed Rendell took his crusade to the people on Monday, firing off wild arguments that don't come close to his intended target.
That's assuming his target is gun violence. Or is it Pennsylvania's legally licensed gun owners?

Extolling the need for tougher gun control, Mr. Rendell at a rally in Harrisburg said the choice is between protecting the welfare of police officers and buckling under to the clout of the national gun lobby. What he conveniently sidestepped is Pennsylvania's Constitution.

Article I, Section 21, is clear: "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned." Of course, Rendell's two-step on matters constitutional isn't anything new.
If the governor is adamant in his convictions -- such as letting municipalities enact tougher gun laws -- let him pursue a constitutional amendment instead of a legislative end around, which is destined to fail.
Why? Because curtailing citizens' right to own guns will not stop criminals from possessing them. Worse, such simplistic thinking puts unarmed citizens in the cross hairs of gun violence.

It was an armed volunteer at an evangelical church in Colorado Sunday who stopped the body count of a gun-wielding lunatic.

Unlike Rendell and his chorus of gun-grabbers, this heroine wasn't shooting blanks.
Brings hope. Let's also hope the good people of PA send Rendel and his greek chorus of idjits packing at the next election. :cuss:
All we need to do is keep Rendell his Philadelphia cronys at bay why we try and get the castle doctrine through.

This state would be even better on the RKBA if it weren't for philly :cuss:
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