A shot in the dark...literally.

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Oct 28, 2009
The Great State of Texas
So after last night’s hunt I walked to my feeder to set the clock back one hour. As I was setting the clock, I hear a bunch of animals running up on my left side. It happens to be an entire sounder of hogs. Now keep in mind I have both my hands above my head changing my timer clock. My rifle is in my stand 50 yards away. All the hogs stop on a dime right before the barbed wire that encloses my feeder since we have cattle. The first few hogs are about eight yards from me. I could not tell exactly how many there were, but having seen this group on my trail camera before I know there could be a dozen hogs, most if not all are black. It is dark enough where I need my clip on cap lights to see what I’m doing. They don’t run or charge. They just stare. I can’t tell if they are all sows or if any babies are with them. I don’t know if they will charge or not and really don’t want to find out.

The one thing I have in my favor is my Smith and Wesson Stainless 686 Plus 4” 357 Mag. I slowly lower my left hand from my timer to my holster, unsnap it and pull my weapon and hang it at my side. Then in one motion I turn to my left, bring down my right arm, bring my gun into position and fire one shot at the lead one. To my relief, they all took off in the other direction. I did not find a blood trail or a hog, so I figured I missed. It was pretty dark at that point so I just went back to camp with my ears ringing. I had already taken out my ear plugs, and 357 Mag PD rounds are loud.

After this morning’s hunt I was coming off the trail from my stand to a main road and saw something black to the left down the road. It was the hog from last night. She had made it only a couple of hundred feet before dropping dead from a shoulder shot. Picture is attached. She probably weighed 100 lbs. I had to drag her about 300’ into the woods away from any deer trails. Now, I could brag about my awesome shot, but the truth is it was a lucky shot. It may not have even been the lead hog. There were three bunched together tightly at the front of the group. It must have been turning to leave when I fired since it was a direct shoulder shot. But I’ll take it.

Question for you experienced hog hunters. Should I have been scared at all? I know the whole episode lasted 5 or 10 seconds max, but it seemed like an eternity. There were too many unknowns. Were there any young with the sows? Were there any big boars in the group? I was hunting by myself and my truck was a ¼ mile away. Were they sizing me up for an attack or were they just as nervous as me?


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My own humble opinion is good shoot. Whatever variables might have been at play, there is a dead hog and that's always a good thing.
I don't think it was wrong to shoot unless you didn't know where the round was going to end up.

I used to hunt in a 200 acre private ranch in S. Texas and I knew every square foot of that ranch. I wouldn't mind taking a "blind" shot in the dark if I had to to protect myself, because I know nobody would be there except the owners and myself. And we hunted hogs primarily at night.

My experience with hogs is that they are scared of people. Like any animals that are hunted, they would stay clear of people. If you were near their resting place and their was a mother pig protecting their little piggies, then I would be quiet scared. But it seems that they were on their way to dinner so they may have just run if you shouted at them.

I wouldn't blame you if you did get a little scared if you were out there alone at night and you heard wild animals close to you. I would.
funny, cause I sometimes carry my 357 into the woods when deer hunting.

Sometimes I think to myself...man this thing is heavy....

and sometimes I leave it behind...more often then not...

Your story makes me think twice now.
I like to keep my Ruger GP100 with me at ALL times for that reason. I hunted in Florida last year and was always on edge a bit walking in or out in the dark because of so many hogs running around. But the truth of the matter was that they were probably long gone from me walking out.
I don't think it was wrong to shoot unless you didn't know where the round was going to end up.

We also have 200 acres and I know the terrain well along with our neighbors and their house locations. I was shooting towards the center of our land. I am a true believer in carrying a side arm now.
Scared? No;Sows with piglets? almost certainly. Sizing you up for an attack? No way at all. They were coming in to the sound of the feeder(the dinner bell),and you just happened to be standing on the dinner plate.
That's a funny looking ?sow? there.

There was definitely one male in the group ... the one you shot. That little extension angling forward from his belly should give you a clue. It may not have been a boar, however, if someone had cut (castrated) him previously.
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