AAR, Handgun Employment 1, North Texas, 21st Century Gunfighter

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Mar 21, 2011
Texas, the best country on Earth!
Date: Sept 8, 2012
Offered By: 21st Century Gunfighter, Stephen Pineau
About 21CG: www.facebook.com/21stCenturyGunfighter
Location: Quail Creek "Proactive Defense" near Argyle, TX. 1171 and 35W
Course Description: HE1 (Handgun Employment 1):Fundamental and practical handgun manipulation for LE, MIL, and EDC.

Personal Feedback:

I'm no stranger to firearms training and have been involved in various training environments as a student and supporting instructor. I signed up for HE1 to find and correct training scars and rebuild the fundamentals handgun manipulation for self protection and defense. I understand that shooting is a perishable skill and I came to learn better techniques and undo the damage lost with time and bad habits.

I won't bore you with a listing of all of the points of instruction. But my opinion is that it was very well thought out and organized in a progressive manor. All points of instruction were explained well and demoed thoroughly. There were a few UNIQUE drills and points of instruction that differ from institution training found in MIL and LE. These were explained without the heavy handed dogma but rather an appeal to logic with the goal of all movements to be as efficient as possible. One that stands out in my memory was the section on clearing malfunctions. These drills alone were worth the cost of the course. Very intuitive. And with the drills, I quickly learned how to apply a linear set of solutions which were easy to employ. This was the best approach to malfunctions I have ever participated in.

Stephen Pineau immediately set a professional yet flexible tone from the beginning. At all times I felt completely safe with my handgun and the other students participating around me. Pineau's attitude was positive and not intimidating. There were no signs of the all too common cynicism or superiority complex that I've seen in the past under other instructors. Pineau didn't "baby" the shooters and skillfully offered instructive comments to individuals without making people feel stupid. When pressure was needed to elevate the focus during a drill, Pineau did so professionally and did not bark needlessly at the students.

Wrap Up:
Overall I would highly recommend this course. Additionally I intend to take the next level coursework in this series (HE2) in the fall in order to elevate my abilities. I'm looking forward to attending the courses for Shotgun and Carbine as well as time and opportunity allows.
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