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Jul 15, 2010
Okay i dont own an ACR and I see people who dont have them kind of talking down to them saying they're no better than an M4. but the people who have them LOVE 'em. I would love to have one but like many others i aint got the money. so those who have ACRs put a comment and show us a pic. And id appreciate it if you gave your opinion of it. THanks :D
Criket, Criket, Criket

Maybe no one here accually owns one, I've shot several and my father owns one.
He's infatuated with it, whenever I shoot with him I usually ask him if he's gone to vegas and married it yet, but he's in to anything magpul. I thought it shot well and was a cool looking rifle, but I didn't see any thing it did that any AR ever made couldn't do.

I'm just not that into Wundergewehre, but alot of people are and are willing to pay extra to be the first on there block to have one.
I'll agree with that(I love magpul's entire product line, but I'm not going to buy it just because there name is on it) but this (to me at least) seems like a bushmaster ripoff of what magpul should be making, bushmaster took out one of the masada's key features it flexibility in its ease of caliber change.
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