Active State of Readiness

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Feb 21, 2009
So you are a concealed carry license holder, a responsible citizen, but are you really in a active state of readiness? All the time?

For example: you carry you weapon on you all day and have a loaded shotgun under your bed at night, but are you really ready? If something serious happens beyond you and you own home to our country are you going to be ready, prepared, and able to defend our country or run if the need arrises? I talk to alot of people who say they are but obviously arent...

I consider my self ready.... I have enough ammo and guns to make a small war of my own, a emergency kit that would enable me to get out safely if the need arrised, etc.
My personal kit includes: MRE's, dog stuff(collers food water etc. for my 3 Huskys), water purification kit, first aid, a change of clothes, important documents such as Passports, a highly modified Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, extra gasoline, an Busmaster M4 and something like 2000rounds, my 12guage with about 500 rounds, a Springfield XDM9 and XD9 with almost a 1200 rounds of 9mm ammo, all the tactical support gear and load bearing equiptment i that i could ever need, a small tent, sleeping bag, lights, soon will be adding suits to defend agaisnt chemical warfare (soon as i can afford it, those things are outragiously expensive) ..... that should give you something of an idea of what i mean when i say im ready. I keep much of my kit(excluding weapons) in a extremely large camo duffle bag which i could can simply grab and go. I can have my fiance, 3 dogs, and gear out the door and into my Jeep in minutes with enough equiptment to last weeks or even months.

Some people may consider this to completely nuts and paranoid, but to me its 100% necessary, and when this country comes under attack (domestic or otherwise) i will be ready to defend my country and home or run for the border.

I would like to know what other responsible citizens think? What is your state of readiness is? Any comments, thoughts, etc.?

I understand that to some this might not relate directly to handguns; however the most responsible citizens in this country, to me, are CC license holders and i thought this would be the best place to get there input.
We just bug out for the occasional tornado that roars through from time to time, day or night. Or bunker down for a two week ice storm once a year and keep eye on the New Madrid Fault near Memphis for the big one.
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