AES-10b with Gat Trigger

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Oct 11, 2005
All, got my Gat trigger two days ago. My son and I tried it out today. I only have one vid as my teenage son thought he new how to record but didn't save the vids he took. This is one of my son shooting with the GAT. It was the first time he shot this rifle so he was trying to hit the milk jugs we had put out more than cranking the GAT. The GAT worked well and I put several 40 round mags through at the 600 to 700 rpm rate. Got some looks from other shooters at this range as well. I put the GAT trigger on last night and didn't have to make any adjustments at all. The only minus point for the GAT is that once it is installed the safety will not engage. Single shots can be made as well.
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