AG Holder might be held in contempt for Fast & Furious

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You are correct. However, given the majority's lack of faith in the DOJ, I think they might go the Sergeant at Arms route.

Possibly, but Terrence Gainer (the Senate Sgt at Arms) is an interesting conversation in his own right.

Slightly OT: Though he brings a commendable background, he has also strongly talks the anti-2A talk thoughout his career - from Chicago PD, to Illinois State Police chief, to Wash DC PD Chief, to current Sgt at Arms, he's been a pretty consistent anti.

After the Cong. Giffords shooting, he even advised legislators not to carry their own guns, and leave any carrying of weapons "to professionals."

The irony would be that Gainer was himself being considered for a senior post in ATF back in 2001 under the Clinton Administration.
IMO.............he's not exempt from the law.....let the chips fall where they may and if he broke the law, then make him pay.
The high "mucky mucks" involved WILL beat the charges.
It's ANOTHER part of the "Big Lie".
The Crap occurs because we Americans have had it TOO good for TOO long and because of this fact , the poliarized Bastards in Washington have taken over.
Time to clean house in D.C.
No tenure, no pensions, no health care!
I obviously have no idea of whom did what, nor when. Regardless, I am exceedingly disappointed in how A.G. Holder responded to the Congressional committee as the various members questioned him.

There is a such a thing as respect for the office. While I didn't vote for President Obama, he won the election, and he is as such my President. I do not approve of, or agree with many of President Obama's decisions (or inactions in this case), but he is my President. As I respect the office of the President, therefore I respect him, but not necessarily his (in)actions.

All elected and/or appointed officials have a duty to conduct themselves appropriately, transparently, forthright. AG Holder disappointed me. That stated, the truth always comes out eventually. The truth will surface. Those involved will be dealt with according to our laws.

What is the saying:

"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn."

I will be very surprised if Issa or any other member of Congress actually initiates genuine contempt proceedings; after all, it's been about a year since they expressed outrage that DOJ provided only redacted - heavily redacted - documents in response to subpoenas, and they haven't done anything there other than bluster.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Holder or any other high member of this administration to be formally charged with contempt, obstruction, or anything else.

(And nobody would be happier than I would to be proven wrong on this.)
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