AirMunition PyroSafe T&E Report

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Rob Pincus

Dec 21, 2002
Location Varies
I thought some of you might find this report interesting. The formating is off, but the content is complete. If anyone else has played with this stuff, I'd like to hear about your experiences. Thanks.
This report was prepared for the records of my facility and forwarded to AirMunitions. AM said that the "dud" was a result of variances in the low-toxicity primers that they are using.

Be Careful.

Testing was done on this date (8/26) on several items from AirMunitions:
2 Beretta 92 drop in kits
12 rounds of PyroSafe Multipurpose plastic rounds
6 rounds of PyroSafe ManMarker Cartridges

The following was found:

1. The drop-in kits worked in both a Beretta 92FS and a Taurus PT99.
a. Reliability with unmodified guns was not good, failures to feed occurred at least 75% of the time.
b. (Maintenance) modified the feed ramp on my Taurus PT99 and reliability was increased to 100% with a magazine, which contained 5 rounds of MultiPurpose and 1 round of ManMarker.
2. Two ManMarker cartridges were fired at my back at a distance of approximately 12’ with the following results:
a. The first round was apparently some kind of dud, yielding only a slight pressure when it struck my back. The force was significantly less than our AirSoft pellet guns.
b. The second round struck as expected… with significantly more force than our AirSoft pellet guns.
i. The force was similar to Simunitions at similar ranges.
c. Neither cartridge left a significant amount of paint on the surface of my light clothing, but the impact points could be determined.
d. Although the first cartridge left a mark and the second cartridge left a welt, no serious injury was suffered and neither round broke the skin.
3. 1 ManMarker Cartridge was fired from approximately 5’ at one of our force-on-force protective masks.
a. The round left a paint mark, but caused no damage to the lens. The round impacted at the lower edge of the lens near the seem.
4. I also tested the drop-in kit with DFA Frangible 9mm rounds with the intent of determining what would happen if a live round was accidentally loaded into a magazine during force-on-force training with this product.
a. I found that the round did not allow the slide to go fully forward, but the weapon was in battery enough to function. The trigger was pulled 6 times on DFA rounds that were in the chamber of the drop-in kit:
i. The first time yielded nothing but a light strike on the primer.
ii. After manually cocking the trigger, the second pull of the trigger caused the round to discharge with the following results:
1. The case ejected and was recovered.
a. The case became severely deformed and had an almost perfect hole in the sidewall, which matched the diameter the pressure release hole cut into the chamber of the drop in kit.
2. The frangible bullet itself was lodged into the barrel and chamber of the drop in kit. It appeared that nothing exited the barrel of the firearm.
iii. The following 4 trigger pulls resulted in light strikes on the primer
1. One of the rounds, which had received 2 light strikes was then fired from a standard Beretta 92.
b. I believe that if a standard live round is mistakenly loaded into a weapon with a PyroSafe Drop In Kit installed the risk of injury to either the operator or others in the area (including, but not limited to the intended target of the ManMarker) would be minimal, provided that they are all wearing the recommended protective gear (full mask w/ throat protection, long-sleeved BDUs and gloves).
5. Accuracy with both the ManMarker and MultiPurpose round was found to be consistent, but all rounds struck approximately 6-8 inches low at 20’.
6. When the MultiPurpose round is fired at our standard targets in the scenario room, the plastic projectile frequently bounces back at the shooter.

Pictures of the following are available:
1. Impact points on my back
a. 5 minutes after 2nd shot
b. 2 hours after 2nd shot
2. Impact point on protective mask
3. Deformed case from live round
4. Frangible Bullet recovered from barrel
5. Multiple light strikes on live rounds

Further Tests till be conducted with both rounds and the kit will be tried in a Taurus PT 92.
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