Albino: How often do you see one of these?

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the white morphs are not albilos, but a mutation in the gene that causes their white bellies, so that the white spreads all over.
Squirrel in OP looks like genuine albino.
In Puebloan lore (and depending on the group) albino deer are seen as being spiritual animals and not to be hunted -their sightings thought to precede certain key events (natural, societal, or even personal) much like an omen.

Actually it's not just Puebloan lore..., I was taught that it was very bad luck to kill a white deer, and most that people see are pie-bald, mostly white with brown splotches, not actual albinos (just fyi). One penalty is very bad luck when hunting, for a long time, on the one who kills such a deer. I found out why..., I discovered I could see the pie-bald deer about 100 yards away or farther in the woods, and as it roamed closer to me, I eventually discovered it was part of a good sized group of normal color deer, that I couldn't see until they were quite close. NOW..., as long as that white deer lived, if I was surviving by hunting a good bit..., I'd want it left alone to show me at a distance where the rest of the deer were gathered. The taboo has a good practical reason to go with it. So since it might be several years until a pie-bald was produced to replace the one that I saw if I killed it..., making it much harder for me to hunt..., the "legend" was quite true.

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