*ALERT!* FBI & CHP on lookout for brown Dodge van w/ Oregon plates in Calif.

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Ought Six

Jun 3, 2003
Watch out, people. These are desperate people on the run, possibly armed. They are hardcore animal rights terrorists that just did a double-bombing, and I doubt they want to spend the next 20 years in Club Fed.


CHP on lookout for van seen before Chiron bombing

By William Brand, STAFF WRITER
The San Mateo County Times
Tuesday, September 02, 2003

EMERYVILLE -- The California Highway Patrol -- acting at the request of the FBI -- is asking police agencies to watch for a 1986 brown Dodge van with Oregon license plates apparently seen at Chiron Corp. just before two bombs exploded early Thursday morning.

A law enforcement source said the van, Oregon license plate: WJT978, is registered to Bjorn Einertsen. "We know the van has not been stolen," the source said.

The FBI would not comment on the report. A duty agent said Monday that the agency has released no "public" bulletins. A Chiron spokesman said he could not comment on the case.

However, the California Highway Patrol in Oakland confirmed that the FBI bulletin was genuine. The van carrying a white male adult and two female adults apparently was seen in front of the Chiron headquarters early Thursday before the first of two small bombs exploded, the CHP said.

Oregon license plate registration showed the van belongs to Einertsen. He could not be reached for comment.

However, Keri Salim, proprietor of Chez What, a Portland restaurant, said she knows a man by that name. "I don't know if it is the same person, but I have a regular customer by that name," she said.

He was arrested in March 2001, when police broke up a rowdy party. Einertsen and two others were charged with kidnapping a police officer.

However, the charges were dropped after Portland citizens complained. Einertsen served a short term in a jail alternative called "boot camp, Salim said.

She said at the time of the arrest, he was labeled an anarchist by a War on Terror task force launched by the Portland police. "He's no anarchist," she said.

A previously unknown animal rights group -- the Revolutionary Cells and the Animal Liberation Brigade -- claimed responsibility for the bombing. The group charged that Chiron used Huntingdon Life Services, a New Jersey subsidiary of an English company, to conduct tests of new drugs on live animals.

Huntingdon, Chiron and the Federal Drug Administration said live animal tests are required before new drugs can be tested in humans. Both the English Huntingdon and the New Jersey subsidiary have long been under attack by animal rights activists.

Also Monday, an anonymous message posted on an animal rights Website claimed that Chiron employees arriving at work this morning will find their e-mail filled with animal rights spam.

John Gallagher, Chiron spokesman, said it has happened before to the e-mail of a few employees and the company is dealing with the problem.

Contact William Brand at [email protected] .
Its no surprise. Radical animal rights groups have been labeled terrorists by fed agencies for years.
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

One entry found for terrorism.

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
- ter·ror·ist /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun
- ter·ror·is·tic /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

Emphasis added
Nope. No surprise at all.
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