Almost had to shoot a skunk last night.

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is there not a other way to kill s skunk without the smell?
there are two things i can not do to a animal, that is drowning and burning alive..
lure em into a trap find their nest pour about 200ml of gas on it drop a match let it burn and let em go back to their burnt down house . As for u CWL lure it out and borrow urself a nailgun when he goes to eat pull the spring on the front back, and let nails fly!!!!! maybe u could try rat traps with bait on it. there is still another way block one side of his burrow if its burrowed all the way through get a vaccume cleaner suck the bastard out of its hole!!!! but still fill his burrow full of petrol or maybe u could piss him off with fire crackers! or light a really smokey fire outside of the burrow and smoke him out , if its a strait burrow u could stone him with spray paint. or grab a hose and flush him out. or find a way to block off both ends of his burrow.... and let him rott for a while .. u could use hairspray and a lighter.....

cheers miekelle
lure em into a trap find their nest pour about 200ml of gas on it drop a match let it burn and let em go back to their burnt down house . As for u CWL lure it out and borrow urself a nailgun when he goes to eat pull the spring on the front back, and let nails fly!!!!! maybe u could try rat traps with bait on it. there is still another way block one side of his burrow if its burrowed all the way through get a vaccume cleaner suck the bastard out of its hole!!!! but still fill his burrow full of petrol or maybe u could piss him off with fire crackers! or light a really smokey fire outside of the burrow and smoke him out , if its a strait burrow u could stone him with spray paint. or grab a hose and flush him out. or find a way to block off both ends of his burrow.... and let him rott for a while .. u could use hairspray and a lighter.....

cheers miekelle

Medication time?
A couple months ago I shot a skunk.
Normally, I'm really tolerant of wildlife but this skunk tested my peaceful nature to the limit by spraying two or three times a night, every single night.
The decision to eliminate him was made.
Long story short, I shot him in the head with a .410. There was no smell at all.
At first...
A few minutes later the full force of the skunk odor became apparent. It was a real challenge to get rid of it and the smell remained for several weeks.
So i take it that a head shot keeps them from spraying, but the stinky liquid will leak out after death? I have one around my home, and was wondering the same thing.
Choice of champions

My dumb ass dog was outside one night and I saw something on his back. I thought he was playing with one of our outside cats..Wrong....He made a beeline for the house and ran between my legs before I could stop him. He got on the brand new couch...with the stink.

Being the cheap SOB that I am, I was not about to throw out the was another story. I called a friend who suggested Summer's Eve disposable ******. Tied the dog out back and trotted off to the store withe wife and 5 year old daughter in tow. I bought every bottle of the ****** that I could find. The sales clerk was an older woman..She took one look at my wife and said "Oh.You poor dear." My wife was game and waddled out of the store bowlegged..

It worked though. No smell on the couch, house or dog within 5 minutes of applcation. If you need it get the "fresh scent with baking soda" kind....and take your wife so that you do not look like a fool.:D
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