Alternatives to SureFire "Delta" knife?

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Aug 24, 2006
An advertisement for the SureFire "Delta" knife in Guns and Ammo caught my eye earlier tonight. It looked pretty neat and since SureFire makes great flashlights I figured their knifes would be pretty nice too so I decided to look into it further. Holy Cow! $425 for a damn knife!?!? That's what I paid for my GLOCK 26!

Great knife or not, I refuse to pay that much for a knife. Can anyone recommend a similar/comparable knife that isn't quite as salty?

BTW, I'm pretty much as knife illiterate as they come, heh.

does certainly make neat stuff don't they :evil:

What they're doing is incorporating a lot of neat tools into a knife. You're paying for the compactness of it, and all the tools in one package.

You *could* get by for fully an eighth the price by buying a multitool of your choice (the wrench on there looks iffy for anything bigger than, say, 1/4 inch?) and a rescue hammer type thing.

I, for one, carry a gerber multitool. It's got pliers. And wire cutters. And a knife. oh, and scissors and some other stuff. Mine cost me $20.

Any sharp knife will cut a seatbelt, it's having the presence of mind to still be safe with the knife that makes seatbelt cutters a neat idea (that, and since the design makes a seatbelt cutter's blade useless for most other knifey applications, you can be reasonably sure it's sharp whenever you need it.)

ANY stout handled knife can be used as a glass breaker.. you just have to be willing to uglify your tool in the process. Rule of thumb: don't break glass unless you have to.. it's a pain.

Also, the wire cutters look completely ludicrous to me on the surefire.. are you supposed to press against the sharp edge to cut wire?
I have a hundred great knives, but it usually comes down to an Emerson CQC7that I have had for about 10 years, an Benchmade Elishewitz fixed blade, A SOG Power Plier tool that has come in handy many times, or maybe anything made by Spyderco. All these except the CQC7 were under $100. Of course, you can always go with the .45 ACP of cutlery...the Buck 110 folding hunter!
Those Surefire knives are HUGE. I mean, they're the biggest damn knives in the world!

That being said I want one.

I need one.

But I can't give up my Sabenza.........
I agree with Fosbery. I got to play with some of their knives and I wouldn't carry one if it was given to me. It's not a quality problem. Lord knows the things are build like tanks, and well built tanks at that. The problem is in the design. They produce hot spots in use, they're not anywhere near as easy to open as most other designs. They're just not good using knives.

GF, the 'benz is head and shoulders above the Surefire as a knife (and cheaper too). Don't get too excited by it. If you want one let me know.
they are decent made , but are more gimmicky than anything , certainly not the biggest folder out there , when say placed next to a Burke Resurrection or that massive yet well balanced folder the Jones bros made a few years ago.

Gimme a multi-tool , heck a couple multi tools instead of the Surefire Delta anyday.
The Delta is definately gimmicky. If you like the feel and looks of the Delta, check out the Benchmade Griptillian with S30V steel and a modified sheepsfoot blade if you can find one.

But, if you tell us what it will be used for, we could help out a lot more. Hunting, EDC, SD, etc?
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