AMA to court: Illegal firearm sales are public health emergency

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that tells me that the author probably hasn't actually visited
Unfortunately, an all too common occurrence with "drive by" journalism, which pays by the article, and not by the accuracy. A journalist with bills to pay will not leave their computer to pound out articles one after another to generate revenue. Which means "in depth research" all too often means "looked at one more source than wiki."

I know some journos, and some over-burdened editors, too. They are generally good people. But, they have every weakness of the hoi polloi, like assuming "common knowledge" equates to "commonly correct."

Finding a way to cut that Gordian Knot will be a great milestone for "our" side.
The AMA is more anti gun than the left, period.

That's all that's ever needed to be said about that organisation.

Maybe, but it was shocking and refreshing to see an NRA America's 1st Freedom magazine in the waiting room of my Orthopedic. Hadn't seem him is 5 years, it was time fo another steroid injection in my right shoulder. He was amazed at how long I'd gotten relief from the first one, and after looking at the new X-ray, my old X-ray and my current range of motion he said "whatever you are doing, keep it up!" Who'd have thunk shooting 2000+ rounds/month could be therapeutic :)
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