AmBack Grand Opening Special Offer

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Dec 24, 2002
With Oleg's stamp of approval in hand (in an e-mail actually) I would like to make the following special offer...

With the grand opening of AmBack’s main site we would like to show our appreciation for those that register with us by giving a free one-year membership ($28.00 value) to our Gold Club. What exactly is the Gold Club? By being a member you will receive a 10% discount on all non-ammunition products from the main catalog, 11% discount on all products from the Professionals section (coming soon), 5% discount on all ammunition, free usage of the Auction House (coming soon), Gold Club Forum access, and additional members-only special discounts.

This is a limited time offer so stop by and register!
I tried to register but the registration page does not load an enter button or any other way to complete the process. When I filled out the form and hit enter another blank registration form appeared.

DeputyVaughn - We're trying to track down what could be causing this to happen. When I went in to register with the site it appeared to be working. If you wouldn't mind, please shoot me off an e-mail with the type of platform/operating system you are using and any other info that could help us to narrow this down.

I'm told by the programmers that new sites always have some bugs to work out. I apologize for you having a problem. We'll do our best to resolve it quickly.
When you get your "Privacy and Security" policy set and the "Privacy and Security" section up and running, if I like the policy and feel confident that you mean what you say, I will probably join.


P.S. What is the time limit of this limited offer?
Double Maduro - Now that we have our Thawte secure site certificate I'm working on the privacy and security policies. Should have it posted by Monday.

The offer is scheduled to run for thirty days.
I'm running Windows 98 and using IE6.0 for a browser. I'm in the boonies so I still use a dial up connection.
I just went back to try again and the whole application is gone now. All of the other frames appear but the frame for the application is blank.

Thanks for the update. Looking into it right now. It could be an I.E. problem but I'm not the tech wizard so I'll wait for his input.
Seemed to work on Opera 7.0, but I'll be waiting for your privacy policy as well.
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we have our Privacy/Security statement posted in our customer service section. You can find it here.

We also have a Thawte secure site link in the store section of our site. With that you can verify we have a valid SSL Web Server Certificate.

Thank you for posting your privacy policy, Parts of which appear below.

"Usage Tracking Your American Backyard Corp tracks user traffic patters throughout our site. However, we do not correlate this information with data about individual users.

Then you say;

"Our tracking software does break down overall usage statistics according to a user's domain name, browser type, and MIME type by reading this information from the browser string (information contained in every user's browser). Our software also retains keywords typed into search engines when users attempt to find our site. This information is not correlated with specific users. "

"We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our website. Your IP address is used to gather broad demographic information. This information is not shared with any outside third parties. "

These are mutually exclusive. You don't gather information but you track my IP, domain name,demographic and other information.

I thank you for your candor but I believe I will pass on your generous offer.

Thank you,
These are mutually exclusive. You don't gather information but you track my IP, domain name,demographic and other information.
Why's that? You can appear to come from a different IP address in a different country every 15 minutes if you are so inclined.
Oh the beauty of public proxies. Not entirely anonymous, mind you, but allows you to confuse non-government tracking programs quite well. Unless he ties the info to a particular user (as he claims that he does not), of course.

true, but why should I have too. There are local businesses that sell the same things at almost the same prices and some of them actually spend money with me.

To test the no-share policy, set up a yahoo e-mail account and give only them that e-mail address. Then track the spam you get.

true, but why should I have too. There are local businesses that sell the same things at almost the same prices and some of them actually spend money with me.
Point taken. I admit to enjoying looking for and finding ways to "beat the system" now and again when it comes to things like this. Sometimes at the cost of common sense solutions.
To test the no-share policy, set up a yahoo e-mail account and give only them that e-mail address. Then track the spam you get.
Only works if the new account utilizes a seriously random configuration of characters. Spammers routinely use a dictionary engine to create likely user names ... especially for large mail hosts. (I'm sure you're aware of this, but I thought I'd spread the word for those who didn't know.)

I think I'll pass on this kind offer for now as well. But it is appreciated.
Hi guys,

Thanks for taking the time to go back to our site and review the privacy statement.

We don't gather information that is personally identifiable in itself, unless you consider the IP address to be "personally identifiable." Considering we'd have to subpoena your ISP for records and need a pretty damned good reason for doing so, the chance of being able to correlate an IP to a person is slim.

Every web server software on the planet logs ip, browser information, etc in the log files. Go to any store and read their privacy statement. I guarantee you 99% of them say the same thing. The other 1% just aren't telling you they do it. It is no different from the statistics that Ebay, Google, Amazon, CNN, Yahoo, and most of the other outdoor products e-tailers keep.

If anything, it is LESS intrusive because we aren't running aggregate statistics on the USER data we do maintain as part of the store and forum when you login and make a purchase, and we aren't correlating that information to the browser and IP logs the web server keeps.

If you don't want to do business with online retailers, that's fine, but please don't make false statements about what our site does.
Why would you have to subpoena anyone? You already would have my name, address, phone number, email address, user name, credit card number and other information on file.

Thank you again for the generous offer.


PS. I don't allow tracking cookies.
For what it's worth, we don't a tie the information a person inputs when they register to an IP ADDRESS. If we had your IP, we can't come back and say "oh, that was John Doe at 123 anywhere st.

It would also serve no purpose to do that.

Thanks again for stopping by our site.
I just got my order for a Marbles tang sight and a Lee hand Press. ordered it 2 days ago and got it today. Quick service and great prices.

Some people are too fussy about "privacy"

I did not yet recieve a RCBS hand primer and called them and they are having it drop shipped to me cause they did not have it in stock. FCoelho answered the phone and knew my order and his solution. Great customer service.:)
Has anyone that has visited our site recently encountered any problems with viewing stuff or navigating through the site? We’ve been working on fixing little bugs and making the site friendlier to different operating systems and web browsers.

The feedback is appreciated.
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