American patriotism in a shameful state.

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
I was telling my gf about the fact that teachers are harrassing children of soldiers..

Her comment was: Don't fire the teachers, send them to Iraq... armed with a pencil.... See if their views on the braveness of the soldiers, what they do, their courage, and (of course, their stance on guns) changes in a hurry.

God I love my gf!!

She is Taiwanese, never set food on American soil before, and she is much more patriotic then Hollyweird, and the teacher's union will ever be :cuss:

I think when I see on CNN and read online is just PATHETIC. It use to be, Americans would band together; now there is nothing but divisiveness..

She told me, "First, they [government] seeks to remove your guns, and now the rest of the populous acts like the French if the face of war, why did you want me to move to America again??" :banghead: :cuss: OUCH..

She is however, thoroughly entertained by Skunk, and thinks that the only rational people are those on THR..
American patriotism in a shameful state.
Tell your gf not to worry. The anti-vermin are just spineless little yap dogs whose numbers are few.

Outside of occupied territory i.e. the Left Coast, New England, the Mid-Atlantic States, and the Demoratic Peoples Republic of Illinois, they hardly exist.

Hurry back to America, and bring her with you. :cuss:the antis. Never give them any influence in your life, or the lives of those you care about. Let the antis own self-loathing destroy them.
It's not all that bad. I just found out today that the eldest son of a very close friend of mine has joined the Marines. He is a devout christian - raised as such by his parents, but still felt the need to serve his country.

Just because some blissninny liberal minority screams louder than the convervative majority does not mean that patriotism is dead or in a shameful state in this country.

Indeed, most foreigners think Americans have been flag waving a bit too much since 9-11. Even I, as a permanent alien resident of the U.S. told them foreigners to get bent.
What goes around, comes around. All of these anti-vermin jerks and so called friends of America (Turkey, France, Germany to name a few) will have to "pay the piper" one day.
And all Americans better remember who it was that stood with us and who stood against us.

I just hope that I'll be around to see it.
I have nothing against the French...

or any other nation of people...BUT of all of our so-called friends, it seems the French have a very short memory...My father and the fathers of many on this board fought in France,as well as Germany and England to save their Butts..For the life of me I can not remember any event in recent history where the French backed this country...France is the country that really makes me angry,after all we have done for the people of France and they turn their backs on us when we ask for their help. I don't believe the US should turn away from helping countries in need, but countries we do help should be there for America when we need and ask for a little help...Once again,nothing against the French, just very disappointed that they have turned their backs on us
Tell your girlfriend she has a lot to learn about America. We are an open, pluralistic society that can tolerate great differences of political opinion.

Only the most ignorant and those insecure in their own position question the patriotism of those who disagree with whatever party happens to be in power. And most of us are big enough to allow that others have a right to disagree with us over what's in the best interest of the country.
Malone LaVeigh,

I think the problem might not be so much with "Americans" but with "American Media". If you saw what is broadcasted here thanks to CNN etc... You'd be convienced that America was a third world country!!

I don't think Illinois is the problem, I think the People's Republik of Khikago is the problem..

There's one reason that the French aren't speaking German right now... and that reason is called M1Garand!! Someone should remind France that...
There's one reason that the French aren't speaking German right now... and that reason is called M1Garand!!

The same reason we in the US aren't either.

But remember, war never solved anything. :rolleyes:
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