Americans call for gun freedom (UK article)

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I like this idea, but I would have two pictures. One with a little boy hiding behind his mom, and one with a grown man hiding behind another man, maybe a cop. Show him looking scared and how ridiculous it looks to be cowering behind someone else.

This is a good idea. I think I'll let Oleg take a crack at it if he wants. He's got a track record of good work.
Whats this "anecdotal evidence" about "more Texans applying for their CHL"?

My first class 10 years ago, then 4 yrs later my renewal, my class had 7-8 people in it. When I renewed again last December ther were 20 people in that class. My instructor said that was about average AND he had added 2 more classes per week (Sunday and on Friday or Thursday).

Now that might be just in my area (Galveston - Texas City) and likely more to the post-Katrina nonsense. But from what I have seen week to week in my trips to the range, a steady (and increasing) stream of CHL students.

There's nothing "anectdotal" about that.

What you just described is pretty much an anecdote. It doesn't really carry any negative connotation, it just means that it was an individual observation, not a controlled study. It doesn't imply that it's a false assumption either.
Yeah, but I bet some of the 18 year olds at VT have more experience than these Baylor cops with psychotic killers.

Exactly. The Virgininia Tech PD did not exactly distinguish itself with its response. Not that the cops can be in all places at all times, but many people have concluded that the response was lame.
"lame" response

but many people have concluded that the response was lame

While police respnse may occasionally be "lame," what we normally see is adherence to procedure. The procedure is rarely, if ever, designed to immediately stop the threat.

You and I also have a procedure that we follow when carrying:

  • Recognize the threat
  • Neutralize the threat
  • Call 911

Our procedure is more effective at saving lives. Unfortunately, the authorities have concerns that often over-ride ours.
Let's see...

The cop thinks that the professor who held the door so his students could escape would fold under pressure and not be able to figure out how to shoot a mad man? He thinks the students who lay down and held a door shut with their feet so the mad man shot harmlessly through the door would not be able to handle a firearm? What a twit, what makes him think his pansy officers wouldn't fold under pressure? Or he himself? His life experience being bullying unarmed civilians around while eating dognuts. I want to puke when I read this stuff. WE are the first responders, always have been, always will be.
I tried to post a comment to the BBC but they didn't print it. Cringe and die seems to be the approved method of civilian compliance these days. I do agree if you have nothing else it is time to charge the ba$**** bare handed, knock him down even if you are dead on contact, summon up the inner berserker and go for it. The only way to stop a terrorist or a madman is to interupt their time table, you got to stop the chain reaction or they will win everytime. Like putting out a fire, interupt the chain reaction and the fire will go out, or you can stand there and watch it grow..........
At VT, the first thing the well trained police did was nothing. By the time they acted, everybody had been shot.
Its chief, James Doak, said that the potential for strife is considerable among its 14,000 18-to-22 years-olds - whether it is stress of exams, girlfriend problems or simply hot tempers.

Add guns to the equation and the combination could be lethal.

Which is kind of a ridiculous argument since you have to be 21 to obtain a CHL in Texas. For that matter, not all students are 18-22 these days... However, it is especially ironic that he would imply that 18-22yr olds coming back from Iraq don't have the maturity or training necessary to defend their own life after passing a CHL background check simply because of their age.

However, the problem the student has is with Texas law, not Baylor's personal policies. Even if he could convince Baylor to change the policy, it is still prevented by Texas law. That is the first place we need to start.
I also think girlfriend stress and hot tempers are not exclusive to 18-22 year olds.

It seems to me that the younger generation is preceived as less and less resonsible than the previous generation of young people.
It seems to me that the younger generation is preceived as less and less resonsible than the previous generation of young people.

They may be. It is hard to learn responsibility if you are never given the opportunity to be responsible.
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