An apology to THR'ers

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Member In Memoriam
Dec 25, 2002
So. Cal. Desert
My name is Steve and I was diagnosed with a form of cancer in 2001. I had major abdominal surgery in June of that year. I was in remission until a few months ago. I am now "on" a combination of chemo and immunotherapy medications. One side effect is occasional irritability.

A few weeks ago I made some posts that, as I re-read them, are confrontational. I apologize to anyone that I may have offended, and hope you will forgive my temporary lack of tact. I really enjoy hanging around here and hope my honesty will be met with forgiveness. Thanks!
Dont sweat it dude, We all have our "days."

Sorry about the cancer. My mom went through that 2 years ago and would call me up out of the blue to critisize everything I did. I knew she was scared and angry and just had to "lash out" at someone for a release. She, like you, later apologized. I never held it against her. Likewise, I doubt no one here would hold it against you.

Besides, Were all a bunch of thick-skinned cromogeons anyway :neener:
Hi fellow pinko ;)

I've posted a few zingers while under med stress over the years. Shake it off and others will too I'd bet. Say Hans, ya gonna play Star Wars Galaxies, the massively multiplayer rpg? Mine's on order. I plan to be a marksman. Hey, if not in real life, huh?
Likewise don't remember reading anything of yours that bothered me.

But I sort of know what you are talking about - I was on some asthma medications for a while that made me pretty irritable.

Hope you get better!
I know all there is to know about being bitter- in the end- there's nothing that a good ole' fashioned hug can't fix.


.....Unless the other person is bitter too

But I'm not bitter so it's all rad- man.. talk about a mean old lady.
Sorry about your illness, and hope all turns out well.

As for being irritable, how would most of us know...? :D
We will keep you in our prayers. Not familiar with the posts you mentioned, it's not an important issue. Your recovery and continued participation are important, best wishes to you.
With what you're going through, the least you have to worry about is offending members of this forum. Just don't go out of your way to do it and you'll fit in just fine.

Best of luck... :(
"I am now "on" a combination of chemo and immunotherapy medications. One side effect is occasional irritability."

:pOne side effect of life too, me thinks:p

Don't sweat the small stuff. Who can remember as far back as "a few weeks ago" anyway.

Get well.

I"ll put in a good word for you.


Group Hug!

If I still drank, I'd hoist one to you all! Thanks for all good wishes and prayers!

Take care, Steve:rolleyes:
Steve, although I am not familiar with the posts you made, I wish you the best and a quick recovery.
Sorry to hear it is back. I've been lucky and will be cancer free for ten years in a few months. Yet with each scan I feel the same depression I did awaiting for the initial pathology report.

It is amazing how far cancer treatments have some in the past decade. Had I got my cancer a few years earlier I would not be here.

I Don't know if your a praying man, but I'll say some for you and your family.

Take care,

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