An Uzi Up Your Liberal Nose - WARNING: ANTI-GUN SNIVELING!

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What an idiot.

Hkmp5sd made the best point. All that ranting over firearms that have been around all the while, just minus a bayonet lug or adjusting stock. :rolleyes:
...and their secret stash of gay porn.

I just wanted to make a point, without any insults to homosexuals or anyone's sexuality. Isn't it strange that liberals consider gays the noblest of all humans, and yet they can still fall back on it as a vile insult when wishing to slander conservatives and the NRA?

I suppose Mark Morford has a gold-plated Desert Eagle and some .50 AE ammo secretly stashed away, because he is seriously overcompensating for something.
Ah yes, another week, another foray into the Dali-esque psychological landscape of Mike Morford. The guy's unhinged rants are always a delightful gem of lunacy-infused paranoia. He gets posted regularly over at FreeRepublic. He's a legend (in the same way that deranged hermits living in the mountains writing apocalyptic manifestos become legends).
The NRA is in charge. The sheer force of the gun lobby will make Uzis available again, just because they can.

Cue Darth Vader's Imperial March music.

Darth LaPierre (to Bill Frist): "If you cannot convince your Senators to let this legislation die, perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them. Remember, the power of an entire army, indeed the power of an entire nuclear arsenal, is insignificant when set against the power of the NRA. If you only knew the power of the Dark Side."
There are always those who oppose the restoration of freedom. The early colonies had them. 1945 Germany had them. 2004 Iraq has them. Guess what? They were and are on the wrong side of history.

Though the price of freedom is still high, it seems that its value is at an all time low. :fire:
The sheer force of the gun lobby will make Uzis available again, just because they can.

I love how liberals and antis love to blow the power of the gun lobby and gun industry out of proportion.

Here's a couple of interesting numbers about the gun industry.

In 2000 the total revenues for the ENTIRE American gun industry was about $2 Billion .... the same year McDonald's revenues where about $12 Billion.

McDonald's is 6 times larger then the ENTIRE American gun industry ... yet the gun industry and its lobbying juggernaut are somehow able to push the government around?

The irony is that I think that Gun Rights groups are almost as large as the gun industry ... so its obvious that the "gun lobby" isn't about making gun companies rich.
Mark Morford

the columnist in questions, Mark Morford, regularly puts out this kind of crap for the S. F. Chronicle. He's so far left of center, and so out of touch with reality it's pathetic. However, the Chronicle and other similar publications continue to pay him to write. He's probably afraid to leave San Francisco - actually coming into contact with reality would cause his little pinhead to explode. I doubt if he will seriously read any of the responses people here write to him.
I contacted his editor to complain. The reply essentially said that they know he's deranged, but he amuses enough people that they think it's safe to leave him on the electronic masthead -- but way too out-there for the print Chron itself.
A good fisking of this article over at the Smallest Minority . He's a fellow Tucsonan, and a really great guy (only met him briefly once though). Only downside to him is that he doesn't drink so I can't buy him a beer.

Edit to fix typo.
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Isn't it strange that liberals consider gays the noblest of all humans, and yet they can still fall back on it as a vile insult when wishing to slander conservatives and the NRA?

Since when do liberals consider gays all that noble? I think it's more that they consider gays to be human, and therefore entitled to the same rights as other humans (noble and not-so-noble).

Morford writes beautifully, for a liberal slam-poet. I'm glad to hear they don't actually print this in the paper. It sounds more like emotional performance art.
It would be nice if self-described liberals like Morford would extend that courtesy to gun-owners.

It would also be nice if Jennifer Garner would hire me as her personal AR-15 trainer and lingerie consultant.

In the grand scheme of things, the latter is more likely.

Grenades are completely legal to build and own under NFA provisions

If thats true,can someone tell me how to build grenades?
And a link to the law I can print up?
Are they legal to carry?
I've seen ad's for papper spray grenades.

I wouldn't bother trying to write Marky Mark Morford-Your time is much better writing Senators.
foaming at the mouth indeed.

Gameface -- beautiful letter. Welcome aboard The High Road!
If thats true,can someone tell me how to build grenades?
And a link to the law I can print up?

The details are in the text of the 1934 National Firearms Act, or do a search on Jame's Bardwell's NFA faq for the quick run down.

The short version is--->
Get a FFL and pay the Class 2 (weapon manufacturer) Special occupation tax and you can build grenades, machineguns and suppressors. After creating any of the NFA weapons you must pay a $200 making tax and register them with the ATF within a certain time period (24 hours?) or you get a taxpayer paid vacation to pound-you-in-the-ass prison. As to schematics and whatever else you will need to contact other Class 2s and see what their sources are.
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