"And once again,this is how we die.":Black on black crime

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Winchester 73

Apr 10, 2007
A powerful opinion piece by Leonard Pitts,Jr.

Miami-And once again,this is how we die.Fallen,crumpled,bleeding from a bullet's hole.Woman and child left to wail,left to mourn.Left.

It was,of course,not a "we" who died last week in Miami but a "he," NFL star Sean Taylor,24,shot in his home by a burglar.But maybe we can be forgiven,we black people in general,we black men in particular,for placing a "we" where others would be a "he," for seeing in the fate of this singular individual all the brothers and sisters we have wept and mourned and given back to the soil.Maybe we can be forgiven for feeling the only difference is that the world knows his name and did not know theirs.

And this is how we die.We die in profligate numbers.Just under 15,000 Americans were murdered in 2006.Roughly half of them -- 7,421 -- were black.African-Americans are 12 percent of the nation's population.

And this is how we die.We die young. Of the 7,421 African-American murder victims of 2006,3,028 -- better than 40 percent -- were Sean Taylor's age or less.

And this is how we die.We kill one another.Of the 3,303 African-American murder victims whose assailants were known to authorities, 92 percent were killed by other blacks.

It's easy to make too much of that last statistic.After all,murder,like other violent crime,tends to be a segregated thing.About 82 percent of white murder victims owe their demise to another white person,yet one never hears lamentations about the scourge of "white on white" crime.Violent crime is, more than anything, a matter of proximity and opportunity

Still, with all that said, that difference of 10 percentage points of likelihood whispers a soft suggestion that sometimes, we don't much value us, that some of us have learned to see our lives the way the nation historically has: as cheap and lacking in worth.

Note even before three suspects were detained Friday, it was being taken for granted by some Internet posters and at least one black columnist that Taylor's assailant would prove to be black.That was a dangerous and could have been an embarrassing assumption. But at the same time, was anyone really shocked Friday when two of the three suspects turned out to be young black men?

Because this is how we die.

We die shot in the head and shot in the gut and shot in the back and shot in the chest and shot in the thigh.

We die on asphalt and on concrete, and lying in bed and slumped against refrigerators and prostrate on gurneys in the back of ambulances hurtling down city streets and quietly inside,too, in the soul a little, at the carnage our communities become.

We die and it goes unremarked, die so much it's hardly news anymore.A child dies from random bullets or a famous man dies at a burglar's hand and the media are all over it, yeah. But 12 percent of the nation is 50 percent of the murder victims, and its mainly business as usual.No government task force convenes to tell us why this is. No rallying cries ring from podiums and pulpits..Crowds do not march as they did in Jena,La, demanding justice.

But one could argue that murder is the greatest injustice of all. And life the most fundamental of civil rights.

We ought not -- "I" ought not -- deny Sean Taylor his singularity, his personhood, in the rush to make him a symbol. So let us say here for the record: No, this is not 7,421 murders. This is one. One heartbeat stilled. One child fatherless. One family shattered. One.

I understand all that. Still, maybe we can be forgiven for feeling that, in the broadest outlines, we've seen this story before. Because this is how we die. And yes, Sean Taylor is one man.

But he's also one more.

(Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize,is a columnist for the Miami Herald.)


You just cannot find anymore words for these situations..............and you just pray that society can rise above all of this one day, for our childrens future!
Is there a solution? Or is there even a problem, if we have been desensitized into accepting that indeed this is how "we" die?

Is a solution to be expected from the government, churches, or protestors?

How does Pitts feel about self-defense?
The NAACP and most black "leaders" (sharpton, jackson, politicians) agree with the KKK that blacks should not be afforded the chance at armed self defense.

The problem is Black Culture. A culture where >60% of births as illegitimate and that's considered OK. Where more than half of children are raised in single parent homes. Where the value of education is given no priority. Where the Big Score is the way to get ahead instead of holding down a respectable job. A culture where wearing one's pants down around one's butt to a point one can barely walk is considered cool. A culture where crime is just another job and violence just one of the risks. A culture so whacked that when they get angry they burn down their own homes and businesses instead of those of the people they're angry at. A culture where the people seperate themselves from mainstream society by hyphenating their identity making no effort at all to assimilate.

Until the folks in power grow the stones to stand up and admit that black culture is mostly broken, the problem of blacks killing blacks will never be solved.
Black friends my age just shake there heads and say. "I don't know" when I ask "how did it get to this" because it was not that way when we were young.

I pointed out the problem in a thread the other day and it was locked, as this one will be soon.
I think the admission has been made. However with the admission there needs to be a desire to assimilate into mainstream culture. How hot does the melting pot have to be?
You must not know the same folks I do. They went to school, work hard, and don't understand that sub-culture either.

And I'd bet 10 dollars to a doughnut that those folks aren't killin' each other.

But as you mention - maybe sub-culture is a better description.
Alas Mr. Pitts is describing the "unintended ?" consequences of the Great Society. The flush of money pouring out of Washington's coffers destroyed the black nuclear family in the Sixties and Seventies. Thirty odd years later we're seeing fourth generation decendants with no socialization and even lower functional skills standing in line to inhabit increasingly crowed prison spaces.

Back in the Sixties many whites - and most certainly liberals in the NE - hated Malcom X because he preached black self-sufficiency. The validity of his testament most likely lead to his assination. But think what society - particularly black society - today if they had followed his precepts.

Oprah wouldn't have an audience and would still be doing locals in Detroit.....Jessee Jackson would be a poor pastor in some small church.......A Sharpton, et al would be swamping a pool hall in some "hood"........And we would possibly have a truely integrated society where 'class distinction' reflected economic achievment, not mere skin tone....... >MW
Until the folks in power grow the stones to stand up and admit that black culture is mostly broken, the problem of blacks killing blacks will never be solved.
Then what's the solution to this..........
About 82 percent of white murder victims owe their demise to another white person
There is no need in trying to segregate the problem.
not for the PC

However with the admission there needs to be a desire to assimilate into mainstream culture. How hot does the melting pot have to be?

Every other race assimilates, fast. Irish, German, Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, etc., all assimilate in a generation or two. Blacks have been in America for 400+ years. There will be no assimilation of blacks.

The Department of Justice agrees that blacks are far more likely to kill than whites. I agree with the posted article that "Violent crime is, more than anything, a matter of proximity and opportunity." Which pretty much means that blacks are 7 times more likely to kill whoever is nearby than whites are.

Mainstream media will not touch information like this. It doesn't support their agenda, it doesn't "celebrate diversity." For a real shocker, read this surprising story on Slate magazine.
originally posted by Majik:
Then what's the solution to this..........

About 82 percent of white murder victims owe their demise to another white person

There is no need in trying to segregate the problem.

The problems segregate themselves. They're of different magnitudes. Blacks kill blacks at seven times the per capita rate than whites kill whites.
Murderers tend to hunt within their own ethnic group. When they don't, they're considered racists (which for some reason is worse than being a "regular" murderer).

I tend to call them murderers just the same.
Things have been getting better for Black middle class in Tennessee in the last few decades. I've run across statistics showing that there are higher percentages of Black owned businesses compared to the number of Black residents in TN than in many Northern States. The work ethic and the fact that working men respect other working men has been a major factor.

A culture where wearing one's pants down around one's butt to a point one can barely walk is considered cool
If you ever see a White man wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants, its either Superman or an Alzheimer patient.
No government task force convenes to tell us why this is. No rallying cries ring from podiums and pulpits..Crowds do not march as they did in Jena,La, demanding justice.
It sounds like the author has decided where the problem lies and it isn't at home, at least to him.
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