And the winner is... (Debate)

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Bah. It had Bush winning earlier. Seems to favor Kerry, now.
I'm ashamed to say I didn't watch the debate. G W doesn't usually do so well .

So how did George Bush do?

where is the spot to vote on this poll before Kerry supporters spike this poll too. seems they are doing so now. kerry is ahead.

I do think Bush missed some AMPLE opportunities to nail Kerry's coffin shut AGAIN. The rising healthcare arguement and Bush could've nailed Kerry on Edwards.
When Kerry talked about his faith guiding him in ALL he does, I would've asked if it guided him into Razing villiages like Jenjiss (Ghengis) Khan or committing other atrocities.
Otherwise I think Bush did well but he needed a few good one-two punches.
Being a Bush supporter I still have to say that Bush did NOT impress me last evening.

He really missed the boat on the job exportation issue all together by dancing with the education issue. That was only confusing, to say the least.

Several times Bush allowed his anger to come through in clumsily disquised humor. And anger is something voters pick up on quickly and is something that, to them, indicates lack of complete control in the Commander in Chief.

There were some other issues (such as health care) that he needs to come within the boundaries of reality and logically address rather than to make comments such as the the primary reason health care costs are so high is the results from law suit issues or because the medical field has antiquated record keeping systems. In reality health care costs are high because there is a lot of money to be made in health care products, paharmacueticals, equipment and such and the companies and Doctors are cashing in.

I won't rave on any further other than to say, once again, I AM a Bush supporter but I think Kerry may have gained just enough ground last evening to worry me.

I hope the American public quickly forgets the issues and comments from last evening before the election!
Transcript: Third Presidential Debate
sKerry pissed off the media with this one:

"We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as."

************************************************** ********

Was this the equivalent of Bush I's glancing at his watch during the '92 debates? The commentator on Fox said that there was a "low groan" in the press room as soon as Kerry said those words. It certainly fired up the media and is beginning to get considerable note on various forums. Aparently Mrs Cheney had some choice words for the SOB this AM, too.
I think we're in the final days of the first and only George W. Bush administration, and there's nobody to blame except GWB. It has been his election to lose and he's well on his way, IMO.
Sorry, don't see it. What I DO see, no matter where I go online or in reality, is an utter lack of support for Kerry(except for the obvious Dem-centric strongholds). The man has only 5 states solidly in his Electoral College camp. I see the media handing us poll after poll saying a dead-heat but across board after board online, where one has to be registered to vote in the polls, boards that are NOT specifically politically oriented, Bush is winning by huge margins.

These same sort of forum polls showed Gore/Bush in a dead heat in 2000 when the media had Bush up by several points. They were dead-bang on then and I tend to believe they are equally correct this time. I believe we are not headed merely for a Bush victory but a blowout that the Dems can't even attempt to contest.
Small business backs Bush

''The National Federation of Independent Business, the country's largest small-business lobbying group, with 600,000 members, just released the most lopsided poll of the political season: 95% of NFIB's members say they will vote for George W. Bush for president vs. 4% for Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

The group may be unusual in its strong leanings for president, but it has many likeminded friends when it comes to the issues. In a recent open letter, the NFIB asked both presidential candidates to pledge against raising taxes "on any small business taxpayer." The letter was co-signed by the National Association for the Self-Employed, the National Small Business Association, the Small Business Survival Committee, the National Black Chamber of Commerce and Women Impacting Public Policy''
Currently its:

Who do you think won the debate?
George W. Bush 41% 715521 votes
John Kerry 59% 1035300 votes
Evenly matched 0% 1081 votes

I find that suspicious ... out 1751902 votes only 1081 went for "evenly matched"? And we have such a large "undecided" camp in this election?

This is deadly serious. I can't believe Bush and his handlers dropping the ball like this. Bad enough he couldn't articulate for himself during the last four years, but these were national "debates" with large audiences. Kerry slung the B.S. fast and furious, and Bush just stood there like a deer in the headlights. *** are they thinking? Are they actually so far ahead in their internal "polls" they can afford to throw 3 "debates" in a row? And WTH was with Bush's mouth? He looked like the left side of his face was numb. Blink, blink, drink water. GET A FRIGGIN' CLUE. "Debates" are not about substance, they're about style and salemanship, and GWB got his @$$ handed to him AGAIN.
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