And Vindictiveness For All

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
And Vindictiveness For All

Evening The Score In The Evening Of Society

The creeping lunacy creeps on, creepishly. It gives life a constancy comforting in an uncertain world. For this we should be grateful.

In the GreeleyTribune* of northern Colorado I see that Mitch Muller, a boy of thirteen, has been expelled from school for a year. Yep. Gone.

You might surmise that he committed some grave crime, that he assaulted a teacher perhaps or was discovered to be selling bulk-lot cocaine. No. He played with a small laser pointer-the sort that projects a red dot onto maps during lectures. It was, said the depressing drones who run the school, a "gun facsimile."

This is fascinating, like a rare and aggressive tumor. Let us think about it.

To begin, there is no substance to the charge. A laser pointer does not look like a gun, no more so than a ball-point pen or a lipstick tube. It isn't a weapon, doesn't look like a weapon, and is not intimidating, being less dangerous than, say, a fist.

Further, note that we are not confronted by a somewhat overzealous application of a reasonable rule. If young Muller had disrupted class and gotten tossed for a week, that would have excessive but not absurd. (Excessive because unnecessary: When you have a male principal who has not been administratively neutered, he says, "Bobby, stop that. Now." That's all he says.)

The child was suspended for a year, not for misbehavior but for possession of a legal and harmless object that was determined ex post facto to be gunlike. You see. Crimes carry harsh penalties, but you cannot tell what things are crimes until after you have committed them. That is, the authorities can find you guilty at will, whenever they wish to punish you.

This isn't discipline. It's sadism-sexless, boring, mean-spirited bureaucratic sadism. The school's officials are seeking to hurt the child because they enjoy doing it.

This Stalinism of the inadequate isn't a fluke. Across the country, time and again, little boys (always boys) are suspended for pointing chicken fingers and saying "bang," for drawing soldiers or the Trade Centers in flames. The schools are in the hands of sodden prisses, intellectual offal, who don't like male children. Mediocrity loves revenge, revenge on others for one's own mediocrity.

"Passive aggression," if memory serves, means an attempt to hurt others while pretending that one's aim is pious. Passive aggression, and its cousin misdirected aggression, dominate American culture. Again and again, bullying is packaged as high principle.

Consider the persecution of smokers-which is what it is. Yes, reasonable restrictions on smoking are, well, reasonable. To have a smoking section in a restaurant is an exercise in consideration, given that having a stream of smoke in one's eyes is unpleasant.

By contrast, putting signs in a subway saying that "second-hand smoke" shortens the lives of children, which it doesn't, with a picture of a piteous, helpless, wide-eyed child, is sheer hostility. So are laws banning smoking within fifteen feet of governmental buildings. The intention is not to provide for the common comfort, but to make smokers as miserable as possible.

The giveaway of a mean-spirited law is that it doesn't do what it pretends to do, yet makes people unhappy. Consider the agitations of the rabble opposed to guns. These vessels of rightness transparently are not concerned to prevent crime with firearms. You hear nothing from them favoring mandatory heavy sentences for using a gun in a crime. Nor do they criticize the drug dealer in the ghetto who kills his enemies. Their efforts are aimed at law-abiding men who own guns.

It is personal hostility disguised as concern with crime.

Similar spuriousness underlies the degrading searches at airports. The government's policy isn't rational. If we armed pilots, watched Moslems, and conducted searches, I might believe that security was the motive. But we don't. Taking nail clippers is ridiculous, like suspending a kid for having a laser pointer. The searches seem designed to humiliate. I have been searched by, among others, Israelis and Japanese. Neither had people undressing in public, and neither was staffed by hostile minorities getting even.

There is in all of this, in so very much of American life today, a vindictive meanness enwrapped in moral pose-in hate-crime laws, in careers deliberately destroyed over imaginary sexual harassment, people destroyed over any trace of racial incorrectness, fathers prevented from seeing their children by vengeful exes and worse courts. Why?

I'll guess that the cause is a confluence of two social currents. First, the United States is an angry, divided, unhappy country, twisted by unresolved conflicts that it refuses to face. Racial tension is ugly, powerful, and a forbidden topic. Women are grindingly angry at men. Men, angry at the divorce laws, avoid marriage. Universal divorce causes deep strains that we don't talk about. Children raised as half-abandoned mall rats turn into angry young adults.

The recently acquired American habit of distributing emoluments by race and sex rather than merit rubs people raw. The decay of the schools into centers of indoctrination angers many. The inability to escape the filth that flows from Hollyork grates. Perhaps more so does the inability in a mass, centrally run, not particularly free society to influence one's surroundings, raise one's children in one's values, or escape ever-deepening regulation.

Repressed anger seeks outlets.

The United States is further, I think, a frightened country, or at least an insecure one. People are afraid of terrorists and crime but more importantly vaguely afraid of a life that isn't satisfactory, yet seems uncontrollable by them. There is a widespread sense that the country is sliding fast toward something undesirable yet hidden in the murk Insecurity breeds both meanness and a desire for control.

The feminization of society plays its part. On average, men prefer freedom to security; women, security to freedom. Women, having climbed into a male world in which they don't seem comfortable, seek laws, laws, laws to control every cause of angst. Men, hemmed in, feel trapped. Much of the tightening control seeks security-helmet laws for kids on bicycles, fear of smoke, seat-belt laws, ever-falling definitions of drunk driving, warning labels stating the universally known, the neurotic fear of laser pointers, the hostility of a female-run school system to competition and rough games beloved of boys.

The astonishing thing in the latter is that women, thought to be nurturing of children, will destroy, will permit the destruction, of boy children by an angry sisterhood in the schools. The instinct of motherhood is perhaps overstated.

The answer? I suggest Cebu, Mexico, or Thailand.

I've always liked Fred Reed, and usually agree with most of what he says, but lately his answer to everything seems to be to just leave the U.S. and head off somewhere else.....

I'm starting to think he's given up.
I was silently cheering as I read, up until he started his slide into misogynism. Schools, dear Fred, are not run by ball-busting, men-hating, Friends-watching female teachers. They are run by pinheaded, Friends-watching male administrators with control "issues" and too damned many kids to deal with to bother to think past simplistic one-size-fits-all rules. (Example: In my daughter's high school, a student was suspended because his breath freshener violated the zero-tolerance alcohol policy.) But leaving aside Fred's denigration of women, it's a pretty right on piece in a lot of ways.

IMHO, natch.

Fred must have had an off day when he wrote this. It's not even up to his captivating norm....

Watch what you say about one of my favorite writers!

Fred is not indicting all women. He simply sees what has happened to relations between the sexes as the radical feminist viewpoint penetrates ever deeper into women's psyches. Although I have been lucky to avoid such women in my personal life, his observations strike me as accurate.

Victimology is destructive. Women who blame men for the problems of living are not healthy to be around.

He writes about hapless men who find themselves divorced, stripped of their property and forced to pay child support but prevented from seeing their children by vindictive ex-wives. Do you think men get fair treatment from courts in such circumstances? Check the rising incidence of suicide in such circumstances. And the incidence of men, after realizing that they are considered guilty of whatever the ex say about them -- in the eyes of the courts, "anger therapists" and the whole panoply of forces ranged against them -- some men in such circumsances who lose it and commit murder/suicide.

I don't condone such reactions but I can understand them and the incidence is rising, regardless of what we think of them.

His aadvice to men in the face of this reality? "Whatever you do, don't get married. Just find a woman you don't like and give her a house..."

I consider Fred Reed the modern equivalent of Mark Twain. His caricatures strike home and his analysis of America's slide into the abyss is brilliant ... and devastating

So cut him some slack, why dontcha.

Did I mention that I like him? :D :D

Lots of people use of the word "misogyny" as reflexively as those who use the term "gun nut" in a derogatory fashion. Not pointing fingers to present company, as most here have felt the sting of being dismissed as a whacko because of their positions on guns, but "misogynist" is one of the words which is very often used to stifle debate.

"Well, recent studies show the men's brains are, on average, larger than women...."


"You know, boys and girls seem to learn in differen..."


"Maybe men do get the short end of the stick in child custod..."


Male school administrators can be just as infected with radical feminist dogma as females. Some are true believers, some just see parroting the radical line as the only way to get ahead in a female-dominated field. Take a peek here.

Here is a new word to try; one that is hardly ever used, and one that some deny even exists: misandry.

Boys will be boys, until we dope them up with ritalin, that is. :uhoh:

I am a big fan of Fred Reed, as well. I think his analysis is usually spot on, and this essay is no exception. However, I am highly skeptical of his claim that his book cures leprosy; it just makes having it less miserable ;)
This case may actually end up doing some good here.

But there certainly are FAR too many pinheads in positions of leadership in this school district. This expulsion may well effect serious change in this "zero tolerance" b.s. that we're living with.

I am seriously scared of how I may react if one of my kids gets in trouble over something as frivolous as this.

His aadvice to men in the face of this reality? "Whatever you do, don't get married. Just find a woman you don't like and give her a house..."

Which was actually first said by Lewis Grizzard. ;)

"Well, recent studies show the men's brains are, on average, larger than women...."

Recent studies?

How about standing on any city street and watching folks go by?

You could deduce this factoid by...? Class? Anyone?

(Of course, watching the actions of both parties would then make one wonder what, if anything, brain size has to do with intelligence. I'm not expecting any Unified Field Theory breakthoughs to come from an elephant, The Rock or Shaq, all of whom have physically larger brains than Stephen Hawking.)

The study did not suggest that the size of a human's brain did map to intellegence. In fact, the authors went out of their way to point this out so as to not be accused of claiming women were mentally inferior. Men's hearts are bigger too, but considering how merciless some men can be, I'd not even wax metaphorical on that fact. :rolleyes:

I think your response (partially) proves my point. (I say partially because you responded with reasoned skepticism rather than a rude tirade.) It appears to me you assumed the claim of differences in brain size was a predicate to a claim of female mental inferiority.

I've read some of your posts, Tamara, and I'd be fooling myself if I thought your smaller brain made you any less intelligent! ;)
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His aadvice to men in the face of this reality? "Whatever you do, don't get married. Just find a woman you don't like and give her a house..."

Which was actually first said by Lewis Grizzard.

See, I told you was smart... he even knows who to steal from!

Besides, I like Grizzard, too!

Matis :D

I think your response (partially) proves my point. (I say partially because you responded with reasoned skepticism rather than a rude tirade.) It appears to me you assumed the claim of differences in brain size was a predicate to a claim of female mental inferiority.

Actually I was attempting to comment on the ludicrousness of anyone claiming that this study was somehow "misogynist" (as well as the silliness of needing a "study" to prove something that can be observed by anyone who takes a quick glance at average hat sizes). Actually, for a woman, I have a big ol' bucket head ( :eek: ), and we all know what that indicates: I need to buy big hats. ;)

I am a big fan of Fred Reed, as well. I think his analysis is usually spot on, and this essay is no exception. However, I am highly skeptical of his claim that his book cures leprosy; it just makes having it less miserable

Hey Armsakimber -- if you got it (leprosy), what's wrong with at least being less miserable??

All 3 of your links, above, are excellent IMO and go right to the point.


I stand (sit?) by my remarks, though perhaps I might have said sexist instead of mysogynist if that makes you feel happier. If I say that what's wrong with schools is that they're run by Afro-Americans with a chip on their shoulder, that's racist. If I say that what's wrong with schools is that they're run by women with a chip on their shoulder, that's sexist.

Unless, of course, I can demonstrate that it's true. However, since not all schools are in fact run by women -- chipped or chipless -- it's not true. In my book, that makes it a sexist statement based not on facts, but on my hang ups and assumptions.

But let's not derail the whole thing based on my one caveat... as I said, overall, I like the piece very much.

The answer? I suggest Cebu, Mexico, or Thailand.
All of whose citizens are still trying to come here. Poor misguided folks; they don't realize that the third-world hellholes they live in are better than America.

Better dig our heels in and fight a little harder, folks. There's nowhere else to go.

Btw, Fred's complaint is hardly new. Men have been moaning for years that uppity womenfolk are taking over the country and wussifying the boys.


Someday we'll awake, have a reformation of the heart, teach our kids honor and kill a few sex psychologists, put boys in high school with men teachers (not sissies), close all the girls' finishing schools, shoot all the efficiency experts and become a nation of God's people once more. -- Harry Truman
On average, men prefer freedom to security; women, security to freedom. Women, having climbed into a male world in which they don't seem comfortable, seek laws, laws, laws to control every cause of angst. Men, hemmed in, feel trapped.

Goodness knows, not all of us women are like that. It isn't only men who feel "hemmed in" and "trapped" by all the busybodies and their laws, laws, and more laws! Some of us gals do, too! :neener:

Honestly, though, I thought Fred Reed made some good points in his essay. I don't think he's making blanket statements about "all women". Rather, he seems to be reacting to the undeniable fact that there are significant numbers of women who march in lockstep, trying to police the behavior, choices, and business of decent, law-abiding citizens. :fire:

But then there are plenty of anti-freedom men to go around, as well...

I think people, as a whole, regardless of what sex they are, have become more and more concerned with "security", "comfort", and "convenience", while "freedom", "rights" and "responsibilities" have moved into the realm of the downright abstract. :(

I wouldn't say the problem is the "feminization" of society. Some of us "feminine" types can be quite freedom-oriented and gutsy. :)

Rather, I'd say the problem is the "wussification" of society. Being a "wuss" is bad, infantile, and not worthy of mature adults, regardless of reproductive plumbing.
More and more about the pointer expulsion.

Rather, I'd say the problem is the "wussification" of society. Being a "wuss" is bad, infantile, and not worthy of mature adults, regardless of reproductive plumbing.

Amen. I have seen people nearly panic at the mere *sight* of pocketknives, just as an example. Not "brandishing", not "threatening", not "creating a hostile work environment", not "oppressing", and certainly not "attacking", merely seeing one triggers nigh unto a conditioned panic response. Once an overly sheltered young lady I used to work with spazzed at the sight of my Leatherman Tool(insert a "my tool makes women panic" joke here). Please note that I was tightening screws with it at the time(must...resist...Freud...joke).
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Actually I was attempting to comment on the ludicrousness of anyone claiming that this study was somehow "misogynist" (as well as the silliness of needing a "study" to prove something that can be observed by anyone who takes a quick glance at average hat sizes).

Oh, I understand now. Yes, I agree, it is ludicrous. :rolleyes:

Actually, for a woman, I have a big ol' bucket head, and we all know what that indicates: I need to buy big hats.

You and me both (Er, well, by head is big for a man's. Heck, it's big for a gorilla's.) I have to make sure nobody mistakes my head for a melon on the range! ;)
I subscribed to Fred's deal back around Column #12. Went back and read them all, as well as his ride-with-cops columns.

By and large, he's said little with which I really have much disagreement. Insofar as one can interpret somebody from their writings, I'd think he would agree with Calamity Jane's assessment.

I've long called this wussification--needing such a "secure" world--"Naderism". Ever since old Ralphie got popular with his book about a low-volume car that was already out of production, he's pushed the idea that if there are enough laws and regulations we'll have a nice, safe swaddling-cloth world. None therein can ever suffer harm from anything at all.

Don't you feel safe, knowing the labels on the tops of stepladders prevent standing on that top step? (But they're not bi-lingual! Horrors!)

:D, Art
Capital Punishment,

Better define your terms. What is 'fascism' and how does it equal 'feminism'?


... when we look at the shameless abuse made, in print and on the platform, of controversial expressions with shifting and ambiguous connotations, we may feel it in our hearts to wish that every reader and hearer had been so defensively armored by his education as to be able to cry: “Distinguo.†-- Dorothy Sayers
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